Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hassell on Hardshell Succession

Elder Chastain, in his book "Discussion on the Worship of God" (1916) cited from Elder Sylvester Hassell, who was still living at the time, and who is regarded by the Hardshells as their greatest church historian. Chastain wrote:

"In reply to a question of how we can trace church succession, Brother Hassell writes me January 1, 1916, "In regard to an uninterrupted succession of churches from the apostles, no person on earth can trace it; and succession is buried in the unfathomable gulf of the obscure ages." (pg. 146)

What is more true, however, is the fact that no Hardshell church can show a succession prior to 1832! Yet, in spite of this fact, they boast that they are the one true church, or kingdom of God, and that all others are Babylonish and Anti-Christian. They claim to be "primitive" or original Baptists, but they cannot prove it.  The Hardshell elders and "historians" tell their members such things and, as Solomon said, "the simple believe every word."  (Prov. 14: 15)  These things show their cult characteristics.

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