Saturday, January 6, 2018

A.W. Pink on Hyper Calvinism

The great Baptist author wrote (emphasis mine):

"In his unregenerate state, fallen and depraved man is so completely the slave of sin and the captive of Satan, that he is altogether unable to deliver himself or take one step toward that deliverance...Now if we resort to human reasoning it will logically follow that it is quite useless to exhort the unregenerate to turn unto God or come unto Christ; yes, to exhort those who are utterly incompetent to respond, will appear to be most inconsistent and the height of absurdity. But, my reader, the things of God cannot be encompassed by human reason, and the moment we attempt to measure them by the line of our “logic,” we open the door for Satan to deceive by his subtleties...we must turn from the vain reasonings of the hyper-Calvinist, and while holding fast to the total depravity and the spiritual inability of the natural man — we must also believe in his moral responsibility and accountability to God."  (see here)

Over the years I have argued the same way with the Hyper Calvinists and Hardshells. For instance, see my debate with Hardshell Jason Brown (see the post Does David Pyles Agree?). Years ago, in 1993, when I did the videos with Bob Ross on the Hardshell cult, Bob and I would often talk about how the Hardshells rely on logic and reasoning for their views rather than upon the plain statements of scripture. I agree with Pink that "we must turn from the vain reasonings of the hyper-Calvinist." See also my posting Demolishing Hardshell Reasoning.

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