Monday, November 7, 2011

Brown's Omissions Recap

This is a list of items that Jason Brown either omitted responding to or failed to prove, during our recent debate.

1. Michael Ivey's errors about the English and Welsh Particular Baptists.

2. Evidence of the existence of Hardshell churches prior to 1832. In other words, no proof for the succession of Hardshell churches.

3. Biblical authority for affirming that any unbeliever will be saved.

4. The biblical authority for saying that faith is sometimes devoid of knowledge and cognition. In other words, where is the scripture that speaks of faith as not coming via the preached word?

5. Where is the response to the citations from Elder Watson about the Hardshells being "ultraists" and "modern innovators"?

6. Since Jason admits that the term "believer" is often used as a term for regenerated people, what is it that they believe?

7. If conversion is the work of God, and by his grace, then why is it not as effectual and certain, for the elect, as is their regeneration?

8. If one comes to know and love God, in regeneration, how can they love and know God if they know nothing about him?

9. How the "voice" of Christ is different in John 10 than in John 5.

10. Why the birth of I Cor. 4: 15, James 1: 18, and I Peter 1: 23, etc., is not the birth of John 3, and how it is apart from the gospel.

11. How one can persevere in Christ apart from faith and gospel knowledge.

12. How obedience cannot be the result of efficacious grace or passive.

13. Why the Hardshell denomination is the one and only true church.

14. How Jason speaks for the overwhelming majority of today's Hardshells.

15. Proof that the first Hardshell founding fathers believed what today's Hardshells do about the new birth.

16. Proof that conversion is not regeneration in scripture.

17. Proof that there are any regenerated unbelievers in scripture.

18. Proof that the salvation resulting from faith is not eternal salvation.

19. Rebuttal proof that John Ryland Sr. denied means in being born again.

20. Proof that the old Baptists have not traditionally applied "shall be made willing in the day of thy power" to regeneration.

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