Monday, June 6, 2016

The Divorcings of Hardshell Conditionalism

It divorces conviction from salvation. Sinners don’t have to be convicted in order to be saved.

It divorces faith from salvation. Sinners don’t have to have faith in Christ in order to be saved.

It divorces the object of faith from faith itself.  Sinners have faith but don’t need Christ as its object.

It divorces repentance from salvation.  Sinners don’t have to repent to be saved.

It divorces personal holiness from salvation.  Sinners don’t have to practice holiness in order to be saved.

It divorces experimental sanctification from salvation. God has not included this as a necessary step in the order of salvation.

It divorces the subjective experience from salvation.  Nothing subjective in nature must be experienced in order to be saved.

It divorces cognition from salvation.  Nothing must be perceived or understood in order to be saved.

It divorces the gospel from salvation.  Sinners don’t need to be exposed to the gospel in order to be saved.

It divorces instrumentality from salvation.  Neither the gospel nor men are used by God in saving souls.

It divorces action from salvation.  No action is required by men in order to be saved.

It divorces the mind from salvation. Nothing must be known in order to be saved.

It divorces the heart from salvation. Nothing must be felt in the heart in order to be saved.

It divorces human responsibility from salvation.  Sinners are not responsible to meet certain necessities in order to be saved.

It divorces free agency from God’s decree.  Sinners do not do that which is compatible with God’s decree.

It divorces God’s permissive will from His will of decree. God’s permission for something to occur is not part of His decree.

It divorces providence from predestination.  God may do something in time but it isn’t the product of His predestination.

It divorces perseverance from preservation.  God does not preserve His people through their perseverance.

It divorces perseverance from final salvation.  Sinners don’t have to persevere to the end in order to be finally saved into heaven.

It divorces the fruit from the tree.  At the time of the harvest, the tree need show no fruit.

It divorces time from eternity.  That which occurs in time is not part of the flow of eternal salvation.

It divorces God from conversion.  Conversion is accomplished by works and free-will.

It divorces the new life in Christ from final salvation.  From the point of regeneration forward to final salvation, the new life is entirely optional to the children of God as to what they do.


In their persistent declaration among their members that they alone ‘rightly divide the word of truth’, I submit that this is what’s really going on.  Yeah, what’s really happening is the dividing asunder of what God has joined together.

More of these I could probably come up with.

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