Thursday, June 11, 2015

What Sylvester Hassell Did Not Tell You

Remember that Hardshell historian Griffin said:

"...were we not bound by the truth of history to speak of these things [the missionary zeal of those early Baptists-S.G.] we would gladly hide them in oblivion."  (from chapter four of "The Hardshell Baptist Cult")

Hassell Did Not Tell You
(or what he hid in oblivion)

1. That his father (C.B.) believed in Gospel means and that all the elect would be converted to Christ by faith in the Gospel.

2. That the Hardshell forefathers of prior centuries supported theological education and mission organizations.

3. That many of the first Hardshells were Arians and Sabellians.

4. That many of the first Hardshells were infected with Daniel Parker's heresies, such as eternal vital union, hollow log regeneration, etc.

5. That all the great first leaders of the Hardshells were believers in Gospel means, such as Joshua Lawrence, Mark Bennett, John Watson, John Clark, James Osbourn, Daniel Hewett, Gilbert Beebe, Samuel Trott, Wilson Thompson, Stephen Gard, John Taylor, William Conrad, etc.

6. That the first Hardshells all believed in the absolute predestination of all things.

7. That the first Hardshells believed in perseverance as well as in preservation.

8. That the original split was over methods of evangelism and not over the issue of Gospel means.

9. Not all who were "new school" (supporters of missions) were Arminians.

10. The first Hardshells endorsed the London Confession of 1689 and interpreted it as teaching means.

11. That the first Hardshells believed that regeneration and the new birth were distinct and separate experiences.

12.  That the first Hardshells believed that conversion to Christ by faith was the new birth.

13.  That the first Hardshells exhorted lost sinners to come to Christ for salvation.

14.  That the first Hardshells were not promoters of "time salvation" doctrine.

15.  That the first Hardshells were not promoters of KJV onlyism.

16,  That there were no anti means Hardshells prior to the 19th century.

17.  That the first Hardshells believed that the faith of God's elect was evangelical.

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