Monday, June 20, 2016

David Pyles on Interpretation of Prophecy

In "The New Heavens and Earth," Elder David Pyles wrote (HERE): (emphasis mine)

"Many Bible students agree this is one of the most interesting passages in Bible prophesy. Unfortunately, this interest has resulted in much disagreement about its interpretation, even among Primitive Baptists. These disagreements are not peculiar to our era. History will show that our brethren in every age have had differing individual views, both on this passage and on the book of Revelation in general. However, most have been tolerant of opinions differing from their own, provided these opinions were in accordance with doctrinal essentials. This freedom of interpretation has been afforded because all would readily admit a need for further enlightenment on the subject. We admit the same, and are therefore willing to handle the subject with an open mind, and strongly encourage others to respectfully consider alternate views."

I certainly admire David's desire to interpret prophecy literally, particularly concerning the "new heavens and earth." Yet, in doing so, he runs smack into the Hardshell penchant for interpreting such prophesies in the most non literal fashion, and giving wing to all sorts of fanciful interpretation.

It is clear that David is trying to buffet any attacks on him and his literal interpretation by telling his spiritualizing brethren to be tolerant as were their forefathers on this issue. Good luck with that David! Good luck trying to get such folks to have an "open mind" and "to respectfully consider alternate views"!  

He also wrote:

"We are always pleased to find believers in grace with an interest in resolving biblical prophesy. The most popular interpretations of prophesy offered by the world today are too crippled by Arminian thinking to walk on their own feet. It seems highly doubtful that an accurate picture of prophesy can be painted on a backdrop of erroneous doctrine. Consequently, we are persuaded that if biblical prophesy is ever to be resolved, then believers in salvation by grace must do it."

Does anyone see the bias in interpretation in these words? Does he also believe that only believers in grace (i.e. Hardshells) can understand prophecy of the first coming? Does he think that only non Arminians can understand such doctrines as the Trinity, the inspiration of Scripture, etc.?

Notice the Hardshell jargon. Notice how he uses the term "the world" in conjunction with "Arminian." To Hardshells like David, any interpretation regarding prophecy that comes from outside the Hardshell ranks is automatically suspect. He is telling his cult followers to expect proper eschatological teaching to come only from Hardshells, especially from brethren like he is.

He wrote further:

"It is our hope and expectation that a greater light will be granted on this subject as the end of time approaches. We base this belief on the statement of the Lord to Daniel: But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. - Dan 12:4"

But, to whom will this "greater light" be given? To believers in grace, which, to Hardshells, describes them and them only. I suggest that the light has been there all along, and that the Hardshells, for the most part, have closed their eyes to it.

My own view is this: the Hardshell ministry and cult is the last place I would expect to find light on this subject.

(Note: I originally took these citations from David's first writing. But, this has seemingly been removed from the Internet and replaced with a revised writing, which is interesting in itself. Apparently, he got some heat from his brethren. The link above takes you to his latest revision.)

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