Sunday, May 5, 2024

Are We In WWIII?

Over the past decade I have stated that we are already in the third world war and that the trade war that was intensified under President Trump was one of the opening battles of it. See these posts hereherehere. Others are affirming the same thing. Bible teacher Ryan McBeth has been affirming that world war 3 has already started. (See here) So does another bible teacher. Listen to the video titled "HAS WORLD WAR 3 ALREADY STARTED--Does the Bible Say?" by John Samuel Barnett (See here)

Most wars begin as a result of economic competition and disagreement. Karl Marx was foremost an economist. Trade wars often develop into military conflicts. I firmly believe that the Covid virus that wreaked such havoc around the world was a bio weapon and was one of the first attacks by China. Further, there are bio weapon laboratories in many countries conducting "gain of function" research. Further, there are secret weapons that some governments have that the public knows nothing about. So, what do we need to do as Christians and Americans? We need to pray, prepare, and vote for the right candidates. We need to see how all this is according to God's end time plan. God is getting ready to pour out his wrath upon the world. To endure it we must find our refuge in Christ.

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