Friday, February 4, 2022

On The Trade War

It is my belief that we are in the middle of a "trade war." I have written on this previously. See

"Comments On My 2016 Prediction" (here) and 
"News On The Predicted Trade War" (here)

This trade war began with President Donald Trump and the major opponent was China. It began with "tariffs," and each side kept reacting to each other with more tariffs, and greater threats of economic war. Well, where are we now? Is the war over? If so, who won? 

No, the war is not over. It has rather increased in magnitude. The supply chain problems we are now having are no accident. They are part of this ongoing trade war. Further, it may very well be the case that China purposely released a weaponized virus (Covid) in order to damage the economy of the USA (and others too). Some might think that this is something that China would never do. After all, no country would purposely kill many of their citizens, right? 

Every tyrannical government has been guilty of killing its citizens. Hitler did it. Stalin killed millions of his own citizens. So did Mao Tse Tung, and so have those who followed him, such as Xi. 

It could well be that China figured that they would suffer less from Covid than the USA or other countries. So what if China loses a few of its citizens? They have plenty! Further, if China planned the release of the Virus, they would have been better prepared for its consequences than any other country. They certainly would be in a position to make money from it (selling masks, buying pharmaceuticals, etc.).

Economic wars quickly become militaristic conflicts. 

If the Covid Pandemic is a plan of China, along with other collaborators, to bring about the destruction of the present world order (to bring about a new world order), as suggested by the Vision 2030 project of the World Economic Forum, then things may yet get worse economically. The rise of totalitarianism in most countries of the world as a result of battling Covid is therefore a planned outcome, one designed to prepare the way for a one world government which will completely control all aspects of life for everyone.

If the world's ruling elite are conspirators in all this, whether in business or government, then what is happening now is a "jockeying for position" for that new world order that they know is coming. 

 What think ye?

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