Sunday, February 27, 2022

What Should We Be Doing?

If we are on the verge of global distress (Luke 21: 25), where conflict rages, where disruptions to necessary food and services are widespread, what should we be doing as believers? Should we just assume that God is going to "rapture" us out of the world before it gets too bad? Or, should we prepare for it, believing that we shall live during end time tribulation? If food is going to get scarce, due to further disruptions in the "supply chain," should we not stock up (as many are doing around the world)? Should churches not prepare by buying and storing bulk foods and finding ways to secure it? 

It is estimated that a very large portion of the planet would die after one month without food. We should be at least prepared for this length of time. 

Of course, we should also look to the Lord who has promised to be with his people in the end time tribulations. He fed Elijah by ravens who brought him food. He sent manna and quail to the Hebrews. Elijah ate some meat and he went in the strength of it for forty days. The widow of Sarepta had a cruse of oil and barrel of flour that stay replenished. God is able to take care of us. But, let us also be prepared. 

What think ye?

1 comment:

Ken Mann said...

Amen! No matter what your end times view is, we still need to prepare. Even if the "rapture" does come before the great tribulation, things will still get VERY bad before it occurs. If we are to go thru the great time of trouble. you cannot survive unless you prepare AND pray. I find it ironic that Mormons stockpile enough food to last 7 years, and have what they call "Joseph's Storehouse" where they are prepared for tribulation, yet true believers do nothing.