Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A Debate On John 6

I have been listening to several debates lately on Youtube. One is by a Calvinist and a former Calvinist. The heading of the video says "Gabriel Hughes Vs Dr. Leighton Flowers: What is the Expository Understanding of John 6:44?" (here)

Dr. Flowers totally refuted the born again before faith view of Hughes. That does not mean that I think Dr. Flowers was correct in all that he said (He is a former Calvinist and has debated men like James White). I am, after all, still a Calvinist. But, I am not a Hyper Calvinist, and do not believe sinners are born again before they believe.

But, I don't agree with much of what Flowers said about the "drawing," and the "teaching" of the Father. If I were talking with Flowers, I would force him to deal with these texts: I Cor. 4: 7; Luke 4: 25-27; I Cor. 3: 6. I would also force him to deal with the fact that many have died without ever hearing the gospel.

1 comment:

Ken Mann said...

I too listen to Leighton Flowers videos. I think youd enjoy his video called "Was Pelagius a Pelagian?" It was interesting to hear an Oxford scholar approach the historicity of the situation who doesn't really have a theological agenda, just the facts. As for those who died without ever hearing the gospel I believe the scriptures teach even heaven and nature declare the Glory of God and no one is without excuse. My personal interpretation is that any human in any place can plainly see creation, and that any god that man creates is no god at all. I personally believe any man can look up to the sky and ask God to reveal himself, or show him the way, and I believe God calls missionaries to certain places because someone in that place has asked for the truth to be revealed. I believe a whole people hear the gospel because just one person questioned their paganism and saw that creation was far greater than anything their false god could handle. I believe an example of this is Nagaland, once a country full of head hunters and animism, now a country over 90% Christian, and over 75% Baptist. As Adam knew God first before Satan revealed himself, now we know Satan first, and then God reveals Himself. Adam, having known only good, (and Eve) decided to follow evil he had never known.The question is, when we have only known evil, will we follow Good (God) when He presents Himself? Of course I dont have all the answers to these questions, but these are some things I've thought about. As I have talked with missionaries from all over the world, there is an overwhelming sense that God has called them to a specific place, and there is ALWAYS someone in that place who has prayed to the "unknown God" asking for truth, as Paul declared at Mars Hill where even the Greeks had an altar to an unknown god. I have also found a small group of Baptists who believe God has a predetermined group who He has chosen for salvation, yet they believe the ability of the atonement is unlimited,and can be applied to the "non elect for the sake of the elect" and the "non-chosen" may "choose" to be saved, because they hear the preachers sent to the "chosen" and accept the Gospel. In other word, God "includes" their "friends" just like I would welcome one of my sons friends into my home and "adopt" him if he was an "orphan. So it is because of the elect, that many more are saved. Havent really had time to process all that involves, but interesting nonetheless.