Thursday, July 5, 2018

Comments On My 2016 Prediction

The following was written by me on Aug. 26, 2016.

"Coming Events" (Published in "The Baptist Gadfly" - see here)

Here is what I am looking for in the near future as relates to end time prophetic events. I believe that they will occur regardless of who is elected U.S. president, but I do believe they will come to pass more quickly under Trump.

1. Trade War (short lived)
2. One World Currency & Banking System
3. Creation of Ten Trade Zones with its rulers
4. Trade Between Nations UN Regulated
5. Middle East Peace Agreement
6. Rebuilding of Babylon as Commercial Center
7. Worldwide Prosperity with Peace and Safety
8. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

On The Predicted Trade War
This is now coming to pass. So, I was right on that point. I still believe it will be "short lived". The reason for this is that the world cannot survive such an economic war. The world will be forced to find a "solution"; And, it is that solution to the problem that is very troubling, for it is my belief that it will set in motion a series of events that will bring on the Apocalypse and Day of Judgment. 

I also believe that a trade war will necessarily lead to a "currency war." Not only did Trump run on trade issues, but on currency issues. Remember how Trump blamed China (as a part of trade problems) for "manipulating their currency"?  

Many trading nations, like China, have been clamoring for an end to international trade being based upon and conducted in U.S. dollars, favoring a new international medium of exchange, a new trading currency. (Note: "Bitcoin" has been trying to replace the dollar) So, not only will we have a trade war but a currency war and the outcome will be a one world currency and banking system, and one ruling body governing trade. This will bring on "the ten kings" (or "toes") and the construction of Babylon, "that megalopolis." 

Who knows, perhaps "Antichrist" or "the Man of Sin," will be the one who will come up with the economic plan that saves the world from armed conflict.

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