Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Father On Hardshell KJV Onlyism

In father's selected writings ("Selective Writings Of Elder Eddie K. Garrett, Sr."), in the section with articles on "The Authority Of The Bible," he said:

"Rome declared the VULGATE "infallible," even better than the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. Some are trying to do this with the King James Version also."

Well, amen to that! This is one issue where father and I were in perfect agreement.

And, who is the real follower of Rome? Besides the KJV Onlyists among the Hardshells?

The Hardshells in the beginning of their history (via their founding fathers) accused those who promoted mission and teaching methods, which they contended were new among Baptists (a false charge), of "following Rome" in these methods (another false charge).

But, clearly the Hardshells, as we have seen, are the real followers of Rome, at least in these additional respects:

1. In their "Landmarker" views, a thing we demonstrated in our series on "Hardshell Landmarkism." The views of the Hardshells and the Roman Catholics on "church succession and authority" are one and the same. Each declares that all outside of their own group are no part of the visible church and have no ecclesiastical authority.

2. The belief that many "good" heathen will be finally saved, though they were never Jews or Christians.

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