Saturday, October 31, 2020

After All These Years

This month I turned 65. A milestone. 

I have suffered from several maladies since I reached my sixties. The other day I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, an incurable lung disease. My older brother has it (now for several years) and he is going down hill fast. I have smoked a pipe all my life and now it is no doubt the cause of my lung condition. I have given it up. I don't know how much time I have left, but will try to use it in a way that the Lord desires. I do have several writings to complete, the Lord willing. Keep us in your prayers. 

The wife also has been suffering for years and is on oxygen.

As I have grown older and been mostly retired, I have had much time to reflect on many things. In the coming days I will be sharing some of those reflections as it relates to my time both as a "Primitive" (aka "Hardshells") member and minister (or 'elder') and to my time over the past three decades in writing and speaking against the errors of that sect. 

I wonder as I begin to write these thoughts whether they will be read by any significant number of Hardshells or any who are doing research into the sect. Be that as it may, I feel led to at least record some of these reflections. I will thereby give, in some respects, my conclusion to the whole story of my experiences and studies into the historical and doctrinal peculiarities of this sect. I will also be leaving a testimony or confession as it were, a bearing witness. I will also no doubt include some final appeals to my Hardshell brothers, pleas that have been in my heart these past few decades. 

I am thankful to brother Kevin and Kenny for being custodians of this web blog. I am thankful to all who read this blog and for all the words of comfort and encouragement given over the years to us.

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