Sunday, December 20, 2020

Hardshells and their History

 As I have stated before, I do not know another man living who has studied the history of the "Primitive" or "Old School" Baptists more than I have. This blog and my other writings on the Hardshells demonstrate this fact. With this fact in mind, let me take this opportunity to make some observations about today's Hardshells relative to their lack of knowledge about their history and about the history of the Baptists in general. 

1. Very few, if any, of today's "Primitive Baptists," know much about their history.

2. Most preachers today who teach others about their history give false information about their history, a "wish history" as one informed historian called it, and this is because they themselves are ignorant of their real history or else know it and willingly falsify it, what we also style a "revisionist history."

3. Having read all their leading histories, published by their most well informed historians, I can say that most of them have not been honest historians (a fact well substantiated in my writings). Many of them also were not so learned in Baptist history as they thought themselves to be (this fact has been proven many times by better historians debating with them and overthrowing their historical misrepresentations).

These observations make it necessary for me (and others before I) to openly rebuke the leaders of the Hardshell church who teach falsely about their history. They should know their history! Especially in view of the fantastic claims they make about themselves and their history! They need to come clean and be honest with themselves and with those they teach in regard to their history.

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