Monday, April 25, 2022

Does Faith Cause Regeneration?

The above is the title for Dr. John Piper's remarks on the ordo salutis as respects faith and regeneration. In it Piper argues that the new birth precedes faith. (See here)

I have previously said that Dr. Piper has been wishy washy on this topic but in this posting he comes out very plainly. 

He did a poor job defending the born again before faith view in this posting. The scripture asked about by the inquirer (Col. 2: 12) does in fact teach that we are raised through faith. 

Read the article by Piper and then read what I have written on the subject. See my series (back in December and before) titled "Regeneration Before Faith Proof Texts" and before that (November) on "Justification To Life and Regeneration". The entries on I John 5: 1 should also be looked at. Use the search engine to find postings where I have referred to Dr. Piper in regard to this subject.

1 comment:

Ken Mann said...

You are spot on Bro Stephen. While I can "understand" why many Calvinists must believe in the "born again before faith" theory to make their theology make sense to them, it is nowhere taught in Scripture. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. It may be mustard seed in size, or child like in demeanor, in fact Jesus said we must come to Him like a child. Why? Because a child doesn't have to dissect something in order to believe it. A child has not "learned" to reject what he cannot understand, simply because he does not understand it. Give Jesus your mustard seed of faith and the mountains of unbelief and doubt will indeed move, and the path of righteousness made clear. Though those awful mountains be never move totally from our sight, always beckoning us to fear, they will never be able to move back to their original positions of blocking us from His great salvation!