Friday, December 16, 2022

Young Earth Defense For Laymen

I just watched this video as a refresher course on the question of the origin and age of the earth titled - "Science Has LIED to Us About the Age of the Earth" (watch here). It is given by the web organization "Answers in Genesis." I want to recommend it be watched, if you have time and are interested.

I believe in a young earth that is about six thousand years old. Over the years I have listened to many lectures and debates of Dr. Kent Hovind on that question and on other questions such as Darwinism and Evolution. Dr. Jason Lisle is also a good teacher and deals with light speed and its problem for "young earthers." He too, like Dr. Hovind, has several videos available on YouTube.  When I was a young Christian teacher I read the famous book "The Genesis Flood" a 1961 book by young Earth creationists Dr. John C. Whitcomb and Dr. Henry M. Morris

We are at this date at the ending of 6000 years (six prophetic days). Is the Millennial Rest of 1000 years (7th day) not imminent? We are at this date also at the ending of 2000 years since the crucifixion of Christ (two prophetic days). "After two days he will revive us" - "in the third day he will raise us up and we will live in his sight" as stated in Hosea 6: 1-2. 


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