Sunday, May 26, 2024

Planned Subjects For Discourse

I will continue to work on finishing my massive work on the afterlife and life in eternity (which now has 65 chapters and probably have a hundred when finished), the Lord willing. I will also soon begin posting some articles on biblical hermeneutics, especially as it relates to interpreting prophecy. I also plan to write upon the question of whether the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls of wrath, in the Book of Revelation, are chronological or circular (being a case of recapitulation, which I deny), and on the question as to why Jesus forbade his disciples preaching to the Gentiles until the Jews had first been preached to. I also plan to write on end time Babylon. Then, I have numerous drafts begun on several other topics and bible texts. Pray that the Lord gives me the strength and energy to do this. Only writers know the amount of work that goes into preparing a sermon or teaching a lesson. It takes a lot of time and labor to do the research, to write the initial drafts, and then keep revising the draft until it is judged to be ready for printing. 

I plan to travel to Ohio a week from today to be with my sister in Lebanon. She will be having her birthday while I am there and I will be attending, Lord willing, my fiftieth high school reunion in Oxford, Ohio during the week I am there. I am also hoping to have time to visit with Elder Bass of Cincinnati Primitive Baptist Church while there. Please remember us in your prayers. I am very concerned about the welfare of my wife and dog while away from home. Thankfully my younger brother and step son live with us and can help when they are not away at work. Still, that is a concern. She is so dependent on my serving her needs.

1 comment:

Ken Mann said...

Will be praying for your trip, as well as the safety of your wife and beloved pet. Enjoy your time in Ohio. God will stay with your wife, as well as greet you in Ohio my friend