Tuesday, July 30, 2024

My Title Clear

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Heb. 11: 1 KJV)

Wuest translates as: "Now faith is the title deed of things hoped for, the proof of things which are not being seen." 

The commentators at Precept Austin (here) say:

"Hupostasis is a very common word from Aristotle on and was used in Greek to describe that which stands under anything such as a building, a contract, a promise. It is common in the papyri in business documents as the basis or guarantee of transactions or with the meaning of a title deed. Thus one translation renders it "Faith is the title-deed of things hoped for."

A T Robertson on hupostasis: "It is common in the papyri in business documents as the basis or guarantee of transactions." 

There is a thing in law called "Evidence of Title." One legal source defines it as:

"Evidence of title refers to the means by which the ownership of land is satisfactorily demonstrated within a given jurisdiction. It is a legal proof that shows who owns a piece of land or property. There are different types of evidence of title..." (here)

Another text that alludes to this title is this:

"He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God." (John 1: 11-13 NIV)

By "right" we can also see "title deed." 

A song I heard for the first time a few years back has these lyrics:

1 My name is in the book of Life, Oh, bless the name of Jesus; I rise above all doubt and strife, And read my title clear. 

Refrain: I know, I know, My name is there; I know, I know, My name is written there.

2 My name once stood with sinners lost, And bore a painful record; But by His blood the Savior crossed, And placed it on His roll. [Refrain] 

3 Yet inward trouble often cast, A shadow o’er my title; But now with full salvation blest,1 When I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. Praise God! it’s ever clear. [Refrain]

Attorneys and title companies know what it means to have a "cloud" or "shadow" on a title. AI says this about clouds on titles:

"A cloud on title, also known as a title defect, is an irregularity in a property's title chain that could make a reasonable person hesitant to accept the title. These irregularities can be claims, encumbrances, documents, or unreleased liens that could impair or invalidate the title. Clouds on title can be caused by a number of things, including: 

Easements or mortgages on the land 
Deed or lien defects 
A dead person's name on the title 
Fraud, such as recording a forged deed."

The song may be heard (here).

Only a genuine faith and trust in the true and living God and in his Messiah, Jesus Christ the Son of God, is a clear title without any clouds on it. 

Another good song about this title deed of believers is titled "I hold a clear title." It's lyrics read as follows:

I've heard people talk about heaven and describe its beauty so rare 
So one day I purchased a title to a mansion in that land so fair 
It was given to me without money but it cost my dear Savior His life 
He died on the cross just to save me For me he paid a great price 
Now, I hold a clear title to mansion that Jesus has gone to prepare... 

My deed was both signed and recorded the day Jesus saved me from sin...

The Happy Goodmans sing it (here).

Another song is titled "When I Can Read My Title Clear" and is well sung by Michael Lining (here). It was written by Isaac Watts in 1707. 

Friend, do you have a clear title to what God has promised to those who believe? Faith is that title. Make sure your faith is rightly placed in God and in his word and that it is real.

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