Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Good From Afflictions

The apostle Paul confidently and boldly said "all things work together for good to them who love God and are called according to his purpose." (Rom. 8: 28) That would include afflictions. The apostle affirms this plainly saying "That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto." (I Thess. 3: 3) If we walk by sight, this will be hard to believe, for many times those in affliction cannot see how any good can come from it. But, if we walk by faith, trusting God and his word, then we believe good will come from it whether we can see the good or not. 

A song we used to sing when I was a Hardshell was the one given below. The lyrics are:

Afflictions, though they seem se­vere,
In mer­cy oft are sent;
They stopped the pro­di­gal’s ca­reer,
And forced him to re­pent.

Although he no re­lent­ings felt
Till he had spent his store;
His stub­born heart be­gan to melt
When fa­mine pinched him sore.

“What have I gained by sin, he said,
But hun­ger, shame, and fear;
My fa­ther’s house abounds with bread,
While I am starv­ing here.

I’ll go, and tell him all I’ve done,
And fall be­fore his face
Unworthy to be called his son,
I’ll seek a ser­vant’s place.

His fa­ther saw him com­ing back,
He saw, and ran, and smiled;
And threw his arms around the neck
Of his re­bel­lious child.

Fa­ther, I’ve sinned—but O for­give!
I’ve heard enough, he said,
“Rejoice my house, my son’s alive,
For whom I mourned as dead.

Now let the fat­ted calf be slain,
And spread the news around;
My son was dead, but lives again,
Was lost, but now is found.

’Tis thus the Lord His love re­veals,
To call poor sin­ners home;
More than a fa­ther’s love He feels,
And welc­omes all that come.

You can hear this song sung (here)

Another verse we must include on this point is this:

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen."
(II Cor. 4: 17-18 nkjv)

My Christian brothers and sisters, persevere through your afflictions, believing that your wise Father in heaven has it all in control and he has promised not to put on you more than you can handle. (See I Cor. 10: 13) See your afflictions and sufferings as part of your education, intended to make you wise and to purify you by removing all the dross in you. It is a means of your glorification too. For Christ, as well as for the elect, glory follows suffering. (See I Peter 1: 11) May we all become mature children of our Father and say with David, the man after God's own heart, "it is good for me that I have been afflicted." 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Beliefs about the Afterlife (LXXXIX)

In the previous chapter we ended still focusing attention upon the power that will be possessed by the transformed saints in the resurrection of the just, of what is involved in their bodies being "raised in power." We also connected this focus on power with the words of the apostle when he spoke of "the powers of the age to come." We stated our firm belief that this power will be equal to the power of the angels and be God-like, which includes having the abilities associated with the nine miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, or even to have greater powers than those, for they are compared to "childish things" by the apostle. Full maturity and perfection for saints comes in the resurrection experience.  

In reference to the resurrected and glorified body of Christ Jesus Paul speaks of him having the "power of an endless (or indestructible) life" (Heb. 7: 16). This power of an immortal body will also characterize all the transformed saints in the day of the resurrection. This power will not be limited to the body, but will include the soul and spirit, or the intellect, and include psychic powers. It seems to be what the status and work of saints in glory demands, because as we saw in earlier chapters, the saints will be ruling as priests and kings over the nations of the earth and such miraculous gifts and powers would be useful. Recall also these words of the apostle Paul: "For it was not to angels that God subjected the world to come, of which we are speaking." (Heb. 2: 5 ESV) So, who is in charge of the age to come? Answer: Christ and his glorified saints. The world will be subject to them and governed by them. 


The Ubermensch is a concept in philosophy that describes a human ideal and a goal for humanity, coined by Friedrich Nietzsche in 1883. The term translates to "overman" or "superman" in English. Nietzsche presents the Ubermensch in his 1883 book Thus Spoke Zarathustra. In the book, Nietzsche's character Zarathustra posits the Ubermensch as a goal for humanity. Nietzsche is the same philosopher who wrote "God is dead." His ideal man, his super man, was a man who evolved and who recognized no god but himself, who was not shackled by outdated morals and religion. Of course, each person has his own idea about what a utopia would be like, and what an ideal or super man would be. Christians see Christ as the superman, and also believe that they will become supermen when they are fully conformed to the image of Christ. This makes us think of the debate going on today about "transhumanism." Said a source (See here)

"In 2009, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner wrote a famous essay comparing Nietzsche’s philosophy with transhumanism, the view that human beings can evolve beyond their present physical and mental state, especially by means of science. Not surprisingly, he found some strong overlap between the two." 

Transhumanism is the position that human beings should be permitted to use technology to modify and enhance human cognition and bodily function, expanding abilities and capacities beyond current biological constraints. Transhumanists believe that by using emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and cryonics, humans can: Extend their lifespans, slow or reverse the aging process, enhance their cognitive and sensory abilities, make the human body more resistant to disease, etc. Transhumanists often advocate for the "supers" of super intelligence, super longevity, and super happiness. Said one source on this (Britannica encyclopedia):

"Transhumanism, philosophical and scientific movement that advocates the use of current and emerging technologies—such as genetic engineering, cryonics, artificial intelligence (AI), and nanotechnology—to augment human capabilities and improve the human condition. Transhumanists envision a future in which the responsible application of such technologies enables humans to slow, reverse, or eliminate the aging process, to achieve corresponding increases in human life spans, and to enhance human cognitive and sensory capacities. The movement proposes that humans with augmented capabilities will evolve into an enhanced species that transcends humanity—the “posthuman.”"

What scientists are attempting to do in this goal is what God will accomplish by his own divine power, and by his infinite wisdom. It will not involve humans becoming part machine. No doubt the biblical picture of the glorified man shows him to be a superman in body, soul, spirit, and mind. The senses will be greatly improved, the eye seeing better and with greater clarity, even from far distances, much like the eagle, or see through objects like superman's x-ray vision; The ear hearing better, the olfactory system superior, etc. Above all, the brain will be set free so that cognitive ability will be far superior to man, either as originally created or as in his fallen condition. This will include the ability to remember, the saints then having what may be called a photographic memory, on the level with computers. The ability to think, reason, and solve problems, be it in math or logic, will also no doubt be greatly augmented. 

The transformation to the bodies of the saints on the day of resurrection will be unlike the kind we see today in science fiction (but also now in real science to some degree) where humans have machine parts and neural implants, being part flesh and part machine, being "cyborgs," bionic humans, or even androids. 

One leading text on the super human condition of resurrected, transformed, and glorified saints is this one from the prophet Isaiah where he writes:

"28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Isa. 40: 28-31 kjv)

Though this may be applied to some degree to the soul or spirit of regenerate men and women in their persevering in faith and holiness, yet it cannot be the primary nor only application. It surely must apply to the new glorious heavenly bodies that the saints will obtain in the day of resurrection and glorification. All agree that the resurrection bodies will not grow old, become wearied, or lack energy. Well, this text in Isaiah is affirming that very thing; And, it adds some additional abilities. It speaks of constant renewal, a thing we spoke much about in earlier chapters when speaking of the water of life, the river of life, the book of life, the tree of life, the light of life, etc. All these are the means of renewal. Isaiah includes the ability to fly, a thing which Jesus himself did after his resurrection, ascending and descending between heaven and earth, and finally flying off from the first heaven, through the second heaven, and to the third heaven. As I have stated in previous chapters, saints will have ability to teleport at the speed of light, to move as fast as angels who also fly in the midst of the heavens. (Dan. 9: 21; Rev. 14: 6; etc.) 

"The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills." (Hab. 3: 19 nkjv; See also II Sam. 22:34; Psa. 18: 33)

Surely this giving of strength to the feet so that they are like deer's feet and therefore able to walk the high hills will be true of the bodies that are raised in power. 

In summation, there will be no weakness in the transformed bodies of the saints. Those bodies will radiate power as well as radiant light and glory. 

Flesh & Blood Excluded

"Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption." (I Cor. 15: 50)

If one did not have the balance of scripture as a context, nor the immediate context, the affirmation that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God would seem to say that the new bodies will not have flesh or blood. That would seem to suggest that the bodies would be aerial and non-physical. But, we know that this is not true for even in the immediate context Paul speaks of different kinds of flesh and bodies, indicating that the transformed bodies of saints will still have flesh and bodies, though not the same kind as they had in their earthly bodies. Further, we know that the resurrected body of Christ still had flesh and bones for he said to his disciples after his resurrection - "Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” (Luke 24: 39 nkjv) Some find it meaningful that the text does not mention "blood," saying "flesh and bones" rather than "flesh and blood." Some think that the new body will not have blood. They may be right. It is one of those things that cannot be definitely proven. Remember that the bible teaches that "life is in the blood."  (Lev. 17:11; See also, Gen. 9:4; Deut. 12:23; John 6:53-54) It may be that the body becoming spiritual means that the work of blood in the body is now done by the work of spirit in the body. 

However, it may be rather that the blood and the flesh will be greatly enhanced. That is what Paul affirms according to the majority opinion. The flesh and the blood of natural earthly bodies, bodies weakening and dying, bodies corruptible, cannot enter into the spiritual kingdom of heaven. They must be made spiritual and heavenly to enter into that state. So, what is a spiritual body? What is spiritual flesh and blood? That is not easy to answer. Wrote Guzik in his commentary:

"Paul is not saying, “material things cannot inherit the kingdom of God,” because Jesus’ resurrection body was a material body. Flesh and blood, in this context, means “our present bodies.” Jesus’ resurrection body was not a “pure spirit” body, but a material body described as flesh and bones (Luke 24:39) instead of flesh and blood. This may seem like a small distinction to us, but it must be an important distinction to God." (1 Corinthians 15 Commentary)

I think that is correct.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Four Epic Apocalypses

The following may be viewed as a good outline for a sermon or bible lesson and title it as I did at the head of this posting. 

The Greek word for the English word "apocalypse" is "apokálypsis" and means an unveiling or a revelation. It is often used to signify someone who appears or comes bodily to another person. 

First Apocalypse Of Christ

That occurred when Christ appeared the first time by incarnation. 

Second Apocalypse Of Christ

I Corinthians 1: 7 - ἀπεκδεχομένους τὴν ἀποκάλυψιν τοῦ κυρίου ("awaiting eagerly the revelation of our Lord") (see also II Thess. 1: 7; I Peter 1: 7) 

"But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." (Luke 17: 29-30)

Apocalypse of the Sons of God

Romans 8: 19 - κτίσεως τὴν ἀποκάλυψιν τῶν υἱῶν ("waits eagerly for the revelation or apocalypse of the sons of God")

Apocalypse of Antichrist

"Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed (apokalupto), the son of perdition...And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed (apokalupto) in his own time...And then shall that Wicked be revealed (apokalyphthēsetai), whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, " (II Thess. 2: 3,6, 8-9) nkjv) 

In this text the forms of the word "apocalypse" are used to refer to the "coming" of the man of lawlessness, to the Antichrist. In this text, the word for "revealed" and the word for "coming" (parousia) are used in regard to the end time appearing of Antichrist, and they are the same words used to describe Christ' coming, both the first and second.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


 Continuing my search for United Baptists in Georgia, I decided to keep searching through active associations, and when they were founded. Associations that began between 1800 and 1840 are promising candidates for possibly being United Baptist. I wasn't disappointed.

The Hightower Baptist Association is a current and very active association in north central Georgia. It is a rather large association with 53 churches. Founded in 1830, they began as a United Baptist association. This association is now in fellowship with both the Georgia Baptist Convention and the SBC. However, they have retained many of their original distinctions and practices. They do not use the Baptist Faith and Message (BF&M), but instead have continued to use their original articles of faith, which they refer to as "Abstract of Principles". The SBC does not require the use of the BF&M, but does require that any other confession that an association might use, must not conflict with it, if it wants to be an affiliated association. This association has held together as a unique entity, and is a rare example of one that may have other Baptist churches within their bounds that belong to another, newer association. It has not dismissed churches to join other associations. It is rare to find two SBC churches that are only a mile apart, belonging to two different associations. As more churches were formed when the population increased, they did not merge or split. They still have union meetings, outdoor baptisms and foot washing. They would be more "primitive" than other associations around them. At the time they were formed, their eastern boundary met the Tugalo Association boundary, which was also founded as a United Baptist association. This makes a good comparison, as the Tugalo was founded as a Calvinist United Baptist association. Where would the Hightower Association fall on that subject?

As always, I begin with the original articles of faith to see what I can learn. The Hightower Association still adhere to them. Let's look at their articles on election and perseverance.

ARTICLE 5. We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the merits of Jesus Christ.

ARTICLE 6. We believe in the election of all God’s people that they are saved and called according to His purpose and grace given them in Christ Jesus before the world began. II Tim. 1:9 and in II Thess. 2:13. “But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you brethren, beloved of the Lord, because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth.”

ARTICLE 7. We believe the saints shall persevere in grace and not finally fall away.

Once again, we have the phrase " through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth.” This phrase has appeared in every single non Calvinist, non Arminian articles of faith I have studied so far. Would the Hightower churches continue the pattern and be found to be general provisionist and holding to eternal security? 

In 1836 in a query to the association it was asked "What is the distinction between us and fatalism (Calvinism) in effectual calling? Answer "The chief distinction between us and fatalism in effectual calling, is that though all the saved have been effectually called, many others were called, but not chosen, as the scriptures say. We believe God calls men everywhere to repent and believe the truth, and has left none without hope or offered mercy. The condition decreed by God may be accepted or rejected, and in rejection brings greater condemnation, as unbelief denies the Lord who bought them."

Here we can see that the Hightower UB Association was clear that they believed in general atonement and denied irresistible grace and unconditional election. They would also deny the notion of final apostacy, per article 7 in their abstract of principles. 

In 1837 a query was asked about baptism which was "Shall we require rebaptism for one who was immersed by a predestinarian elder of another association? Answer "We require that one coming from any other association to give satisfaction of true conversion when baptized, and if so,inquire of their satisfaction with their baptism. If satisfied, they should be received without rebaptism."

Here we can see what I suspect was the case of most of the United Baptist movement. It seems each association kept their own theologies intact, even boldy so, yet agreed to accept the validity of any Baptist ordination, and baptism, whether, Calvinist, Provisionist, or Free Will. There also seems to be a hint that the validity of baptism rested on the one being baptized, or at least partly so.

It is becoming more and more evident, that almost all Baptists in the South were "United Baptists" right before the anti mission split. That controversy began the divisions which caused many to retreat to their former titles, while many others united even further into conventions. Many associations just stayed neutral in the fighting, and retained the "United Baptist" name. Many Uniteds had a "wait and see" attitude, and many more would gradually join the SBC as time progressed until well after the Civil War.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Beliefs about the Afterlife (LXXXVIII)

Before going forward with this chapter and discovering new things to know about the resurrected and glorified bodies of the saints, including those who are transformed in body without dying, let us sum up what we have thus far discovered. We have seen that three major adjectives describe the changed bodies of the saints; those words are glorious, spiritual, and heavenly. We have seen how these words describe a body that has been drastically changed so that the new body does not look exactly like the old body. We have seen that saints in glory will nevertheless know those saved loved ones who they knew on earth, though they will not be recognized by mere bodily appearance alone. This aspect of our subject deals with the whole idea of "identity." Will saints in glory still have their individual identities? The answer is a yes and no. They will still be in some ways the same persons, but in some ways they will be new persons. Is the butterfly the same creature as the caterpillar from whence it came? Or a totally new creature? Or both? 

So, with these introductory remarks to this chapter, let us now return to that great resurrection chapter and see what more the inspired apostle had to say about the resurrected bodies of the saints.

"39 All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds. 40 There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. 42 So also is the resurrection of the dead..." (I Cor. 15: 39- 42)

There are different kinds of "flesh" and "bodies" in the cosmos. That is Paul's central affirmation. There are celestial bodies and there are terrestrial bodies and each is different in "glory." That being true, what kind of flesh and what kind of body will the transformed bodies of the saints be? 

When Paul speaks of "celestial bodies" does he mean the sun, moon, and stars? Or, does he refer to angels? Theologians disagree on that. Some even think that the heavenly bodies of the stars, planets, and moons, actually are bodies of angels. If Paul refers to the celestial bodies of sun, moon, planets, and stars, then he is referring to bodies that are not houses for living beings, in the same way we refer to the body of a car.

Regardless of this disagreement as to who or what is intended by "celestial bodies" the point of the apostle is that there are different kinds of bodies just as there are different kinds of flesh. Notice that Paul does not refer to aliens on other planets, which he may have done had he believed in beings who live on other planets and who differ much from humans and from each other (which we see in many science fiction movies about aliens on other planets). 

Also, the argument of the apostle affirms that the resurrection and transformed body, being glorious, spiritual, and heavenly, will not be the same body as the earthly body. Does that mean that the new bodies will not have genitals (as we discussed earlier)? Does it mean that the new bodies will not have all the organs that the earthly body has? Will the new bodies still have hair to grow, nails to grow, or that sweat, etc.? Will the new bodies have blood so that if the flesh is cut will bleed? Will the new bodies have a digestive or excretory system? We have mentioned these things before and will discuss them further as we proceed. 

Of course, when it is affirmed that the glorified bodies of the saints will not be the same, we do not mean in every respect. For the same apostle affirms that the body that is raised and transformed is the same body. It is a body that has been "changed," and not exchanged. So Paul will say that the same "it" that dies and is buried is the same it that will be transformed. Again, as argued previously, I am the same person that came forth from my mother's womb almost sixty nine years ago, but I am not the same for I have changed so much that you could not put a picture of me as a baby beside a present picture of me and know that it was the same person in each picture. The butterfly is in some respects the same as the caterpillar but in some respects not. Later, as we will shortly see, the apostle Paul in this chapter we are examining will tell us in what precise ways the body will not be the same body that died, i.e. that body of humiliation. 

Of course, some of the answers I give may be speculative theology, but I do believe that some things are deducible from propositions clearly stated in scripture. For instance, if we accept the proposition that the heavenly life in eternity will be nothing but joy, then it seems that things we do regularly, with regard to our earthly bodies, such as brush teeth, shave, get a haircut, trim nails, etc., will not be necessary for these would take away from that bliss. Will they need to sleep? 

In the previous chapter we showed how Paul compares, in this chapter, the glorified body of Christ and the saints with the body Adam had before he sinned, or as originally created, as well as after he sinned. The glorious body will be superior to the original body Adam had before he sinned, and certainly far greater than the body he had after he sinned. That is what Paul means when he calls Adam's original body "earthly" and "natural" and the transformed body as "heavenly" and "spiritual." Just as the renewed soul or spirit is called a "new creation" (II Cor. 5: 17), so too will the glorified bodies of saints also be a new creation.

Clearly Paul in the above words indicates that the transformed bodies of the saints will be different in two ways, in appearance and in substance. We have already spoken some about the change in appearance, noting how Christ did not look exactly like his earthly low body of his humiliation, but was much more like the way his body appeared on the holy mount of transfiguration or as he appeared to John on the isle of Patmos in Revelation chapter one. 

Will there be midgets among the resurrected and glorified saints? Will saints who suffered from gigantism still be giants? Will those who died in infancy still be infants? This might be speculative theology, however, I think nearly all Christians and bible believers will agree that there will be no infants after the resurrection.

42b"The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. 43 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. 44 It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." 

First, notice that the same body, the same "it" that dies is resurrected. The new body will be a transformation of the old body and not a giving of a new body that does not come from the old body. Second, even though it is the same body in this sense, it is nevertheless not the same body. Why? Because the old body was dying, growing old and feeble, being corruptible and the new body is incorruptible, not dying or growing old, and not weak and frail; Also because the old body was a body of humiliation, a dishonorable body, lacking glory. The Greek word for "dishonor" means disgraceful, undignified, vile, humiliated, lowly, degrading, shameful, etc. However, the new body will be glorious, the opposite of being dishonorable. We have in previous chapters already seen all that is involved in something being glorious

The new body is not the same as the old body also because the old body was "weak" while the new body is full of power. The weakness of the old body is seen in its frailty, its susceptibility to sickness and disease, to its feebleness. On the other hand, the new body will be strong in every way. The extent of the power of the risen saints, in body and spirit, will be enlarged upon in upcoming chapters. Finally, the bodies are not the same because the old body was a "natural" body. The Greek word is psychikon and means what is animalistic, sensuous, sensitive, what pertains to the "soul" (psyche) and not to the inner "spirit" (pneuma). On what it means for the body to be spiritual rather than natural we have more to say as we proceed.

Further, the new body is not wholly new, for if it was, it would not be "changed" but "exchanged." If nothing in the new is like the old, or from the old, then it cannot be the same body. If I have an old pocket knife and I replace every part of it with a new part, is it still the old knife? No, it is a new knife, though of the same kind as the old one. The new glorious body of saints will have new and enhanced faculties but it will still have the same external body parts, such as head, torso, arms, hands, feet, etc., although it will not likely have the same internal organs or the same kind of flesh and blood. 

To be raised a powerful body involves having increased abilities for the five senses. It also likely includes acquiring new faculties. Barnes, a highly respected commentator, has the following to say about the bodies of the saints becoming full of power (emphasis mine):

"It is raised in power - This does not denote power like that of God, nor like the angels. It does not affirm that it shall be endued with remarkable and enormous physical strength, or that it shall have the power of performing what would now be regarded as miraculous. It is to be regarded as the opposite of the word "weakness," and means that it shall be no longer liable to disease; no more overcome by the attacks of sickness; no more subject to the infirmities and weaknesses which it here experiences. It shall not be prostrate by sickness, nor overcome by fatigue. It shall be capable of the service of God without weariness and languor; it shall need no rest as it does here (see Revelation 7:15; compare Revelation 22:5); but it shall be in a world where there shall be no fatigue, lassitude, disease; but where there shall be ample power to engage in the service of God forever. There is, however, no improbability in supposing that the physical powers of man, as well as his intellectual, may be greatly augmented in heaven. But on this point there is no revelation."

I do not agree with these words of the learned commentator. Not only that, he seems to contradict himself in the latter part of the above citation from what he said at the start of the citation. He says "This does not denote power like that of God, nor like the angels" but then says "however, no improbability in supposing that the physical powers of man, as well as his intellectual, may be greatly augmented in heaven."

Of course Paul does not mean that resurrection bodies become omnipotent, but he does affirm that the bodies and persons of the transformed and glorified saints will become powerful. Just as the spirit within a person "partakes of the divine nature" in being "born again" (II Peter 1: 4), in part, he will fully partake of it in every way, in body, soul, and spirit in the day of his glorification and transformation. And as far as the assertion of Barnes that says "on this point there is no revelation," that is also not true. The verse we are analyzing says the body is "raised in power" and that means the powers of the resurrected saints will become fitting as "sons of God." So, in support of this, let us notice a few texts, beginning with this text from the prophet Zechariah: 

"In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them." (Zech. 12: 8)

Some commentators suggest that "God" in the text, being from the Hebrew word "Elohim," denotes angels, but that is a mistake. However, the KJV only translates Elohim once as angels (Psa. 8: 5). The predominant person(s) denominated by the word however is God, or the Godhead, Father, Son, and Spirit. However, in the above text we not only have "as God (elohim)" but "as the angel of the LORD" which is a reference clearly to the Son of God. This is the angel who appeared to Moses in the burning bush and is called both "Yahweh" and "Elohim" (Exo. 3: 1-4). So, being "as God" means the same thing as "as the angel of the LORD," denoting having divine powers. 

Even if we say that the "sons of the resurrection," the perfected "sons of God," are "as the angels" in power, that is still great power, far superior to that of earthly human beings. This text overthrows the remarks of Barnes who says the power that will characterize the resurrected bodies of the saints will not be like that of God or angels. Now, I know that the context of the prophecy has to do with the "house of David" but it surely is not to be limited to them. Also, the time of fulfillment of the prophecy is when Christ returns and the Jews repent as a nation for having rejecting Christ and embrace him. This the context shows to be true. Notice verse 10:

"And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn." (kjv)

That the glorified saints (who will forever be earth's kings, priests, lords, and governors of the new human race) will be full of power in both body and spirit is implied, I believe, in the affirmation that they will be raised in power. They will have power over the physical world, as did Christ, so that they may walk on water, run and not be weary, defy gravity, etc. All this is further implied, I believe, when Paul speaks of "the powers of the world (age) to come." (Heb. 6: 5) On this Barnes makes this comment: "The word "powers" here implies that in that time there would be some extraordinary manifestation of the "power" of God." The commentators at Precept-Austin (See here) say:

"Powers of the age to come - refers to miracles which they had witnessed or experienced and which will be seen in the age to come (What age? The age that follows the church age is the Millennium)."

In that text Paul says that believers even now in their present lives on earth have "tasted" of the powers of the coming age. That must include the powers of working miracles, or we might say power over the physical elements. Of course, it also includes powers of mind, of soul and spirit, in addition to bodily powers. These powers are listed by the apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthian believers. There he wrote:

"...for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills." (I Cor. 12: 8-11 nkjv)

Why would not all the resurrected sons of God not have such gifts and faculties? Perhaps it is by having these gifts that they will be able to communicate with each other when separated by long distances, particularly as it relates to having the the gift called "the word of knowledge" or "the word of wisdom." Those gifts certainly would be a great asset as they spend eternity acting as priests and kings, and as lords and governors over the new heavens and earth, and over the new humanity. Working of miracles also might come in handy at times in this rule over the nations. Further, if the sons of the resurrection are all filled with the Holy Spirit to the highest degree, why could they not do miracles? Does not Paul say that those who work miracles do it by the Spirit? (Gal. 3: 5) Having the gift of healing may not be necessary in the millennial kingdom age for the water or river of life, along with the fruit from the tree of life, will be for the healing of the nations (as we have previously written about), nor necessary in the endless ages that follow, for then there will be no more death, neither sickness nor sorrow. 

Certainly speaking in tongues may be necessary if "the nations" in the millennial age all keep their native tongues. If resurrected saints rule over the nations and over the cities, then to speak in each of the many nations would be needed. However, I do believe that among those who reside in the New Jerusalem will speak a new language. So the prophet Zephania writes:

"Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent." (3: 8-9 kjv)

Notice the promise of a "pure language" and how it will come into being following the end time day of wrath. Whether this will apply to all "the nations" or only to the inhabitants of the city of God, is something I cannot say for sure. In identifying who is "the people" it may be "the nations" mentioned in the text, or it may be those who "call upon the name of the LORD" and who serve him. If all speak the same language, then of course the gift of tongues would not be needed, at least among the nations of the new earth. But, what about "the tongues of angels" that Paul speaks of? (See I Cor. 13: 1)

It seems to me that the gift of "discerning of spirits" will be part of the abilities of saints. As they rule over the nations as its judges, priests, and kings, they will be called upon to judge things, and surely this gift would prove most beneficial. 

So, what I am saying is that being raised in power includes the idea of being gifted and endowed with supernatural abilities. However, it could be argued that such powers or supernatural gifts will not be part of "the powers of the age to come" based upon these words of the apostle Paul:

"8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known." (I Cor. 13: 8-12 nkjv) 

If the gift of prophesying ends prior to the age to come ("when that which is perfect is come"), then prophesying via having the harps of God (as we wrote about in earlier chapters) cannot be. But, it is certain that prophesying by those harps will be the case. That fact will be the fulfillment of the words of the prophet Moses who said: "Oh, that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!” (Numb. 11: 29 nkjv) 

So, how do we explain Paul's assertion that the three gifts mentioned, prophecies, tongues, and knowledge, will "fail," "cease," "vanish away," "done away," or "put away" when the day of perfection comes? 

Before answering, let us first say a few things about the time of perfection. The perfection of the text is to be connected with the time when the family of God are no longer children, but when they become adults, that is, when they are fully matured. That occurs in the resurrection day when all the members of the family of God are glorified and reach a state of perfection in the perfect age of the thousand year reign of Christ and his people. Prior to this time they are children who speak, understand, and think like a child. That is the condition of saints in their lives on earth. These are the "childish things" that will be put away in the day of glorification. While being immature children of God, while in this earthly life, they "know in part" and "prophesy in part" and only see things dimly, but when perfected and glorified, when transformed into powerful super humans, they will know fully, see things face to face. 

So, I think that the idea is that what is partial and limited now will become much greater.  So, prophesying itself will not cease, but prophesying in part will cease. Supernatural knowledge and revelation will not cease in the day of perfection, but knowing in part will cease. Limited speaking miraculously in other tongues will not be limited in the day of perfection as it is in the church age. If Paul has in mind the other miraculous gifts besides the three mentioned, such as the gift of working miracles, then are we to believe that the glorified sons of God will not have any of those nine charismatic gifts? Further, if Paul calls such supernatural gifts "childish things," then surely the adult things will be far greater. A childish thing is to know in part but the adult thing is to know fully, even as known by God. If it was a childish thing for the apostles, for Stephen the martyr, to work miracles among the people, then how much greater power will the saints have when glorified and empowered by their transformation?

Commented Barnes in his commentary on I Corinthians 13: 8:

"Whether there be knowledge - See the note at 1 Corinthians 14:8. This refers, I think, to knowledge as "we now possess it." It cannot mean that there will be no knowledge in heaven; for there must be a vast increase of knowledge in that world among all its inhabitants. The idea in the passage here, I think, is, "All the knowledge which we now possess, valuable as it is, will be obscured and lost, and rendered comparatively valueless, in the fuller splendors of the eternal world; as the feeble light of the stars, beautiful and valuable as it is, "vanishes," or is lost in the splendors of the rising sun. The knowledge which we now have is valuable, as the gift of prophecy and the power of speaking foreign languages is valuable, but it will be lost in the brighter visions of the world above." That this is the sense is evident from what Paul says in illustration of the sentiment in 1 Corinthians 13:9-10. "Now" we know in part. What we deem ourselves acquainted with, we imperfectly understand. There are many obscurities and many difficulties. But in that future world we shall know distinctly and clearly 1 Corinthians 13:12; and then the knowledge which we now possess will appear so dim and obscure, that it will seem to have vanished away and disappeared..."

In summing up we can say that all the saints, when perfected and when raised in power, will have those same miraculous gifts in a far greater measure. So, not only will the glorified saints be as the angels of heaven as respects not marrying and not procreating, but also as respects their mental powers and power over the physical world, or power to do things beyond the ability of natural men. Recall these words of the Lord Jesus while here on earth:

"Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." (Matt. 17: 19-20 kjv)

If saints on earth, who are yet in a state of imperfection, may have such faith so as to have power over the physical world, then much more in that day when they are perfected and put into their place as fully matured sons of God. That is when they will become super men and on that point we will have more to say in the next chapter.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Marxist Sociological Theory Is Killing America

When I began my junior year in my liberal arts education, I decided to have two majors, one in Sociology and the other in Speech Communication. I did this as a pre-law student, Sociology being recommended to me by my academic advisor (who had both a PhD. and a juris doctorate). I had an attraction for Sociology during my sophomore year elective in "Introduction to Sociology." Sociology is the study or science of group behavior. There is micro and macro Sociology. 

The smallest group consists of two people, and many Sociologists specialize in the study of relationships between people in small groups, such as a husband and wife, or a family. One of my sociological classes was on marriage and the family. Macro Sociology deals with larger groups, such as clubs, organizations, clans, nations, etc. 

In my other sociology studies, such as in "social stratification," "deviant behavior," etc., I was introduced to Marxist ideology, especially in what is called "conflict theory." It is that theory that I want to say a few words about. 

I was also interested in the concept of "functionalism" versus "dysfunctionalism." Also in what is called "exchange theory."* I believe it explains a lot of our behavior towards others. I also believe that there is some truth in conflict theory, but I also believe that many have erred in trying to use it to explain all social behavior. 

Such theories attempt to explain how groups effect individual behavior, and vise versa. It attempts to explain social change, and the "socialization process." That is generally defined as "The lifelong process of an individual or group learning the expected norms and customs of a group or society through social interaction." 

That socialization begins at birth when parents and others teach children about everything they will need to know to become social beings. It is a fascinating field of study, to say the least. Sadly however, as I early learned, very few Christians or strict bible believers are found in this social science field. In this posting we will see some of the reasons why. 

However, little did I know how my studies in Sociology would help me in understanding the history of religious groups and cults, such as the "Primitive" or "Hardshell" or "Old School" Baptists, and of religious movements, such as the "anti mission movement." 

Conflict Theory and Marxism

In "What Is Conflict Theory?" one good source says (See here emphasis mine): 

"Conflict theory, as associated with Karl Marx, is a social theory that posits that society is in a state of perpetual conflict because of competition for limited resources.1 Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than by consensus and conformity. According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless. A basic premise of conflict theory is that individuals and groups within society will work to try to maximize their own wealth and power.1"

The same scholarly source further says this about conflict theory:

"Philosophers and sociologists have long sought to use conflict theories to explain a wide range of phenomena, including wars, revolutions, poverty, discrimination, and domestic violence. A basic premise of conflict theory is that individualcs and groups within society will work to try to maximize their own wealth and power.1"

Again, the same source says:

"Conflict theory is a sociopolitical theory that is heavily associated with Karl Marx. It seeks to explain political and economic events in terms of an ongoing struggle over finite resources. In this struggle, Marx emphasizes the antagonistic relationship between social classes, in particular the relationship between the owners of capital—whom Marx calls the “bourgeoisie”—and the working class, whom he calls the “proletariat.” Conflict theory had a profound influence on 19th- and 20th-century thought and continues to influence political debates to this day.1"

Again, the same source says:

"One common criticism of conflict theory is that it fails to capture the way in which economic interactions can mutually benefit the different classes involved. For example, conflict theory describes the relationship between employers and employees as one of conflict, in which the employers wish to pay as little as possible for the employees' labor, while the employees wish to maximize their wages. In practice, however, employees and employers often have a harmonious relationship." 

I recall in a Sociology class a discussion about various inequities in groups, as in nations and political states, and in regard to how individuals are rewarded for their work or contributions to the greater economic good. The question was asked why a major sports figure was often paid millions of dollars each year when garbage collectors were paid a pittance in comparison. How is that just and fair? The Marxist idea is that the government should decide a person's wages and how much money each should have. Recall the Marxist motto:  "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Karl Marx did not create the slogan but he popularized it in his 1875 book Critique of the Gotha Programme

The slogan refers to the free distribution of goods, capital, and services, and is one of Marx's few explicit descriptions of communism. That sounds good, but who decides a person's abilities and needs? Should a common laborer with little education or talent get equal wages as a sports great or as an astute businessman? Should not the person, and the capitalist economic system decide such things? Such a free enterprise system is built on meritocracy where greater rewards are earned by that person who works hard and does the things that bring wealth. That is the system the bible seems to uphold. 

In Marxist societies today, is everyone equal? No. There are still elite ones who rule and have a higher standard of living. Further, there is almost no middle class, people being either a part of the ruling elite or of the common people. The truth is, Marxism does not eliminate the conflict it focuses attention upon. 

This conflict theory is killing our country. Marxism seems to be what is coming, the prophesied world government of the Antichrist will be a communist dictatorship, much like is seen in China today. In such a society the ruling elite control everything and people are given a daily portion by the government. The 2030 motto of the World Economic Forum, which seeks to bring about this anti-Christian communist world dictatorship, says that by 2030 "you will own nothing and be happy." That is the way of communism, no private property, and thus everyone remains equally poor except the few ruling elite. 

*"Social Exchange stipulates that people apply economic principles when evaluating relationships, either consciously or unconsciously, conducting cost-benefit analysis while also comparing alternatives."

"According to social exchange theory, people will pursue relationships where rewards are greater than cost (net profit) and abandon those where costs are greater than profit (net loss). These profits can be measured in the short term or cumulatively. The value of costs and rewards is highly subjective." (See here)

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Beliefs about the Afterlife (LXXXVII)

In this chapter we will take a closer look at what the inspired apostle Paul wrote in chapter fifteen of his first epistle to the church at Corinth. In the preceding chapters we have focused on three adjectives that are used to describe the resurrected and glorified bodies of the saints, which are glorious, spiritual, and heavenly. We have seen how these adjectives show that the saints will be beautiful, perfect, powerful, supermen endowed with abilities of angels, divine beings in body and spirit, fully partaking of "the divine nature" (II Peter 1: 4), immortal, and incapable of suffering. With these introductory remarks, let us begin by noticing these words of the apostle:

"35 But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” 36 Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. 37 And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain—perhaps wheat or some other grain. 38 But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body." 

We have already addressed the two questions above, i.e. 1) how are the dead resurrected? and 2) with what (kind) of body do they come? However, the second question will continue to be the focus in this chapter as it was with the apostle in the chapter in which Paul writes the above words. We will first unpack what may be ascertained by the words "foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies." The first thing that strikes me is the fact that he later says in the chapter - "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed--in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet." (vss. 51-52 nkjv)

When the apostle says "we shall not all sleep" he means "we the righteous shall not all die." But, if we must die in order to be resurrected and glorified as Paul said, then those who do not die will not be resurrected. That is true, but it does not mean that those who do not die will not be "changed" (transformed) for the apostle says "but we shall all be changed." Some few will not die, for they will be alive when Christ comes. Of this Paul also wrote about in his first epistle to the Thessalonians, saying:

"13 But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord." (I Thess. 4: 13-17 nkjv) 

There will be some of the elect who will be "alive and remain" until the day of the resurrection. These will experience the same transformation of their bodies that the dead bodies of saints will experience through resurrection. Further, this transformation will happen instantaneously as Paul said, "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye." In that moment the bodies of all saints, whether living or dead, will be transformed and become glorious, spiritual, and heavenly. It will be in one sense the same body but in another sense it will be different. So Paul said:

"And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain—perhaps wheat or some other grain. But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body."

These comments are designed to answer the question "how are the dead raised and with what body do they come?" Paul calls attention to the transformation that happens to a seed that is buried in the earth. What comes forth from that seed does not look at all like the seed. We could say the same thing about a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. However, the analogy of a seed becoming its final form (fruit, or tree, etc.) is best for it in some ways dies when it experiences "germination." Notice these words of our Lord:

"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. " (John 12: 24 niv)

This analogy to a kernel of wheat falling to the ground and dying was in order to affirm the resurrection of Christ. Christ refers to germination as dying. That is a mystery. Further, the seed of any kind of plant or vegetation does not resemble what the seed ultimately becomes. An oak tree does not resemble an acorn although it will produce many other acorns. 

It seems that some in the church at Corinth did not have too much difficulty believing that a living body may be transformed, however they do seem to have found it difficult to believe a dead body that had decomposed and become dust and ashes could be resurrected and transformed. Yet, again, a belief in the power of God and in his promise is sufficient to overcome this difficulty and unbelief. 

So, how will saints recognize each other after the resurrection (or even in the intermediate state) if they have drastically altered appearances? How could you recognize an acorn that has now become a grown tree? This is not an easy question although it is clear that saints will recognize each other. So, two things need to be proven from the scriptures. First, that it is true that saints who knew each other on earth will recognize them in glory. Second, how will they know them if they do not look like they did on earth? 

So, what texts do bible teachers bring forth to prove that saved loved ones will be recognized in glory? One passage that I cited in earlier chapters where people who died in the old testament were said to be gathered to their people, which is a comforting thought, but only if one is able to recognize his loved ones. Further, the text cited above from Thessalonians has Paul saying to believers who have lost their saved loved ones that they should be comforted in knowing that Christ will bring their loved ones with him when he returns. That implies that they will know each other. 

Recall that Peter, James, and John recognized Moses and Elijah on the holy mount of transfiguration, and this in spite of the fact that those two patriarchs lived centuries before them. They may have had portraits of them (certainly not photographs), but we do not know that. So, the question as to how those three apostles recognized Moses and Elijah is the same question as to how saints who die recognize their deceased saved loved ones, either in the intermediate state or in the resurrection. 

Recall Luke 16:19-31 where the rich man recognizes both Abraham and Lazarus in the afterlife. Paul makes it clear that the believers he loved on earth will be his joy in heaven. “For who is our hope or joy or crown of boasting in the presence of our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you?” (1 Thessalonians 2:19). When Paul says this, he clearly anticipates that relations known on earth will continue in heaven. He says he will be joyous to see those he led to Christ in Paradise. 

Consider also that we are able to recognize people by the sound of their voices without seeing their faces or bodies. When someone calls us on the telephone, we do not see the faces of our friends or loved ones who are calling, but we recognize their voices. Jesus also spoke of how his sheep recognize him by hearing him speak, for they know his voice. (John 10) 

It seems to me that recognition will occur by connecting the glorified saint to something besides bodily appearance. Recall that Jesus was not recognized by the disciples at the first. One of the instances where Jesus was not recognized was Mary Magdalene’s coming to the tomb early in the morning (John 20:15). Instead of recognizing Jesus, she first mistook Him for the gardener. A second instance in which Jesus was not immediately recognized was when the disciples did not recognize Him when they were out fishing (John 21:4). A third instance is when the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) did not recognize Jesus until He broke bread. The latter instance is revealing. It seems that 1) they could not recognize him until he wanted to be recognized, and 2) they recognized him because an occurrence (eating bread with him) made them realize that it was Jesus. So too may it be that way with recognition of saints in heaven. 

Though Christ when risen from the dead did not look exactly like he did prior to his death, yet we can surmise that he did not look completely different. After all, we can assume that he did not become dramatically taller or shorter. Perhaps we can assume too that he had the same color eyes and hair (although in the books of Daniel and Revelation he is pictured with white hair). Further, we can assume that his appearance changed greatly when he was glorified for it is doubtful that he shined in his person and raiment when he appeared to the disciples after his resurrection. He no doubt could have, but he chose not to do so. We have already seen how Christ appeared in the Apocalypse when he appeared to the apostle John. 

Each saint who experiences bodily transformation is given his own unique body. This is clear from the words of the apostle who said "God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body." So, no saint will look exactly alike, although each will have a glorious, beautiful, heavenly, and spiritual body. Each will have his "own body," a body which will serve as his eternal identity. I am the same person I was when I was born, but I do not look now at sixty eight that I did then. I will be the same person I was on earth, in my body of humiliation, but I will not look the same. All my spots, blemishes, and other defects will be gone. There will be no ugly people among those who have glorious bodies. 

Commented Dr. Gill on verse 38:

"Everyone shall have his own, that is, his proper body - a body which shall belong to him, and be suited to him. The wicked shall not rise with the body of the just, or with a body adapted to heaven; nor shall the saint rise with a body adapted to perdition. There shall be a fitness or appropriateness in the new body to the character of him who is raised." 

In the next two chapters we will finish our examination of what Paul says about the resurrection of the body in first Corinthians chapter fifteen. Following that we will have a chapter on the resurrection of the bodies of the unjust. Then we will have a chapter or two on the powers of the saints in the ages to come. We will also see how the new covenant will be fully realized by all so that the earth will be filled with only those who know the Lord. We will then have some thoughts on laughter among the people of God and of the ongoing race in the ages to come. We will also have a chapter or two on the question of having "free will" in the ages to come and whether it will be possible for any to choose sin and lose salvation, falling from heaven. In discussing this we will see how God will alter the nature and psychology of his saints and of the people of the ongoing race. What about "original sin"? Will people still be born in sin? We will also look into the question as to what degree of memory will people have of their former lives on earth.

Monday, September 2, 2024


 Given my recent discovery and contact with United Baptists in northeast Alabama, it renewed my desire to see if could find any United Baptists in Georgia. The Towns Creek UB Association in Alabama had told me that they fellowshipped several churches in North Georgia that were similar in doctrine, that had descended from some United Baptists, but no longer used that name. As I was digging, I ran across the history of the Tugaloo Baptist Association in northeast Georgia. It is now part of the Georgia Baptist Convention and the SBC. However, it was founded as the Tugaloo Association of United Baptists. I have been searching for United Baptists (henceforth "UB's") for years, and wouldn't you know it, I found it right under my nose. The Tugaloo UB Association is the association that my grandmother's church is in, which is New Bethel, constituted  in 1870 formed out of Nails Creek, constituted 1794.

This is also of great interest, because this association was definitely a Calvinist association, with some quirks. Let's looks at their original articles of faith that pertain to election and perseverance.

Article 3 states "We believe in the doctrine of eternal particular election." Article 7 states "We believe that God's elect shall be called, converted, regenerated and sanctified by the Holy Ghost." And article 8 "We believe the saints will persevere in grace and never fall finally away."

Here we can see the litmus test I give to articles of faith to try and discern how calvinistic a group may have been. Article 3 qualifies in my book as the "certain number" clause, or limited atonement that I look for in Calvinist articles because of the word particular, while article 7 is the calvinistic associations' equivalent to "through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth", the article found in nearly all non Calvinist or Provisionist articles. Article 7 would also rule out the regeneration before faith doctrine. In my opinion, this association was founded as a calvinistic one, and lends further proof to my theory that United Baptist associations kept their individual theologies in tact, and wasn't the "mixture" that many historians say they were. Some associations however were a mixture of both Calvinist and Non Calvinist ("Provisionists") and Arminians, as was the Georgia Baptist Association, which was a Separate Baptist group and never adopted the "United" name. However they were definitely United in practice, so much so that they allowed all three types of Baptists into the association. This has led me to wonder why there ever was a "United Baptist" movement, as the Separate Baptists already tolerated a variety of views.

So what about those quirks I mentioned in the Tugaloo Association? Here are some things recorded in their minutes, but not much explanation. In 1824, the Tugaloo Association received Jesse Mercer (Calvinist) and Adiel Sherwood (Provisionist) to seat, and both men took the "stand" and preached, along with a black elder, named Posey. Here we can see that they allowed Adiel, a non predestinarian elder to preach, from the Georgia Association. (See my article "A Short History of the Georgia Baptist Association."). It is strange though, that they allowed this, on several occasions, yet they declined to correspond with the Georgia Association year after year. Why?

The next "quirk" found among the queries to the Tugaloo UB Association, was also in 1824. The query asks "What is to be done with a preacher who declares himself to be  Separate Baptist, and has no fellowship with those who hold the doctrine of election?" Answer "A minister making a public declaration of such principles should be dealt with according to the gospel, and should he not give satisfaction, excluded."

Why is there no explanation of how this came to be? The answer sounds more like a Regular Baptist response than a United one. Was said minister a Calvinist who turned non Calvinist? And why is the title "Separate" equated with general provisionistWas he excluded for being a general provisionist, or because he refused to fellowship Calvinists? He obviously came from that very association. Did the Tugaloo fellowship non Calvinist associations yet strictly adhere to calvinist principles within the association itself? They obviously allowed non Calvinists to preach, as in Adiel Sherwood. Also why did they say the minister did not hold to the "doctrine of election" instead of saying "particular election" when every non Calvinist articles of faith clearly state they believe in election, yet interpret it differently?

Another question that may be asked, is whether Parkerism or two seedism was coming to light, since Daniel Parker was licensed to preach by a Tugaloo association church, but not ordained. Parkers "Views on the Two Seeds" was published just two years later in 1826. Was this a reason that there began to be some defections from predestinarian distinctives? When the mission controversy appeared, they lost very few churches. Also, it can be proven that churches formed within the association after the Civil War, were Provisionist or non Calvinist. Did the whole association drift away from Calvinism, or did the SBC become the defacto union of United Baptists, thus eliminating any need for individual articles of faith by associations, with each church free to preach its own views?

About this time, many totally Arminian Baptists who had been Separates, formed their own United Baptist associations. In 1829 Elder Cyrus White published a pamphlet opposing unconditional election and limited atonement called "A Scriptural View of the Atonement", which also argued against unconditional election, and eternal security. Although he was never excluded from any association, as the Separates tolerated such views, many thought it best to organize the United Baptist Association and soon after in 1835 the Chattahoochee Association of United Baptists, which were free will or Arminian.. All these UB assocations were in the Georgia Baptist Convention. It wasn't until the Southern Baptist Convention was formed, that the Arminian, or Free Will Baptists declined to participate.  It was then that  they changed their name to "United Free Will Baptists", later forming their own state convention in 1890, called the Georgia State Convention of Liberal Baptists, and by 1900 had over ten associations. In the 1930's they joined the National Association of Free Will Baptists, their equivalent to the SBC.

All of this proves that there were many Arminan Baptists among both the Separates and Uniteds, that were not the result of the Free Will movement by either Benjamin Randall in New England or Paul Palmer in the South. The northern Randall line of Free Will Baptists merged with the Northern Baptist Convention in 1910 when they greatly softened the calvinistic doctrines they formerly held to in the Philadelphia Confession. The Palmer line remained its own entity and many Free Will churches from the north who refused to merge into the Northern Baptist Convention joined the southern line. As noted above, the Free Will United Baptists joined both those groups at the formation of the national Free Will Baptist Association. 

The Tugaloo Association is the first UB association I have found that seems to have been completely Calvinist. Obviously there were more but what happened to them? Maybe a majority went with the Primitives. Maybe many who went into the SBC, dropped the exclusive articles of faith after joining, allowing each church to decide for itself what doctrine they believed. Maybe that is why the first SBC confession in 1925 was based on the New Hampshire Confession which was worded in such a way that many views could tolerate. However, the 1925 Baptist Faith and Message seems to have done away with unconditional election as it said salvation was "conditioned on faith." This may have been amenable to any Calvinist who believed faith precedes regeneration, but would have alienated those Calvinists that held to regeneration before faith. If any current United Baptists out there happen to read this article, please don't hesitate to contact me, I'd love to talk!

Beliefs about the Afterlife (LXXXVI)

"But someone will say, 
How are the dead raised up? 
And with what body do they come?
(I Cor. 15: 35)

These are the chief questions that the apostle Paul answers in this great chapter on the resurrection of the dead. Although he especially addresses the resurrection bodies of the just (or righteous), yet what he says about the resurrection of the dead in that chapter in some respects applies to the resurrection bodies of the unjust. We will therefore focus on the resurrection of the righteous first.

I will not comment linearly from start to finish in regard to Paul's words concerning the resurrection of the dead but will comment on a different order and arrangement of my comments upon his statements. The two questions above, from verse thirty five, need addressing first, for they are the context for Paul's commentary and answer to the questions.

How Are The Dead Raised?

That is the easiest of the two questions Paul will answer in this great chapter. We have also already shown the answer to it and it came directly from the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Recall that he said to the resurrection denying Sadducees "you err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God." It was also answered by the apostle Paul who asked king Agrippa - "why should it be thought an incredible thing with you, that God should raise the dead?" (Acts 26: 8) The how is God's omnipotence. Nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1: 37; 18: 27) 

We need not know the "how" of the things God does to believe in those things. We do not know all the mechanics of all the works of God, of how miracles are performed, or how the supernatural works, in order to believe in them. So it is with "how" the dead are raised. It is sufficient to know that God is omnipotent and that nothing is impossible with him. The fact is, God has raised the dead and we can believe it without understanding how God does it. No man knows how God can simply say "let there be light" and instantly light comes into being. We do not comprehend how God "speaks and it is done." (Numb. 23: 19) 

Obviously, even the physical elements of the cosmos obey his commands. That is a unfathomable mystery, incomprehensible. Perhaps the Grecian Christians in Corinth wanted a scientific explanation, one that was in agreement with reason, and not based upon mere faith. 

Heavenly Bodies

"45 And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being (rather 'soul').” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven. 48 As was the man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man, so also are those who are heavenly. 49 And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man." (vss. 45-49)

The resurrected and glorified bodies of the saints will be both "spiritual" and "heavenly." So, what does that mean? How is the Lord, the second Adam, a "heavenly man"? Does that mean he was not earthly or a human being? Was he born a superman? Or, did he become a heavenly man after his resurrection and bodily glorification? What does it mean that Christ as a man, or in his human body, was a "spiritual" man? Was his body spiritual before his resurrection or after? Does being a spiritual or heavenly man mean that the man is no longer a physical entity? What does it mean to have "the image of the man of dust"? Likewise, what does it mean to "bear the image of the heavenly man"

When did Adam become a "living soul"? When God made him or when he sinned? Likewise, when did the second Adam become a "life giving spirit"? When he was born in the womb of Mary or when he was resurrected and glorified? Was Adam, when first created, solely a "natural man" or was he also a "spiritual man"? Or, did Adam become a natural man when he sinned? Was Paul comparing and contrasting the physical body, or humanity, of Christ to the physical body of Adam when created or when he sinned? That is not an easy question. 

When speaking of Adam the focus is on how God made him in the beginning, and not on what he became after his fall into sin. Adam became a "living soul" when God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. He did not become a living soul when he sinned, though some bible teachers think so (saying he became a "soulish" man, guided by his depraved senses). Secondly, he was "natural" from the moment God created him, not becoming natural when he sinned. He was not a spiritual man in body, though he had a spirit and was spiritual in that sense. His body was not spiritual though he was spiritual in his inner man, having the spiritual law of God written on his heart. (Rom. 7: 14) Third, his body (which is the focus of the apostle) was "of the dust of the earth." But, Paul says that Christ is different because he was "from heaven" and therefore a "heavenly man." But, that does not mean that the human body of Christ was from heaven, nor his human soul from heaven, but that his divine person was from heaven. However, some bible teachers have believed in the preexistence of the human nature of Christ. The great hymn writer Isaac Watts (1674-1748) believed that the human soul of Christ was created before the world began and that this is what is involved in Christ begin "begotten" as the "Son of God." It is also similar to what the "Two Seed" "Primitive Baptists" believed and also to Mormon beliefs. When the apostle says that "the man" was "made of dust," does he not refer strictly to the physical body? Is it not true that the inner spirit of the physical man was not of the dust, but was breathed into him by the very breath of the Creator?

Christ’s resurrection body is called “spiritual” (v. 44) in the same sense that food and a literal rock (1 Cor. 10:4) are called spiritual. It is called a “body” (soma), which always means a physical body when referring to an individual human being. Verse 44 reads as follows: "It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." (vs. 44) That cannot be interpreted to mean "it is sown a physical body but it is raised a non-physical body." The resurrection body will still be physical, but it will be super physical, and made in such a way that the inner man or spirit has complete control over the physics of the material body

In summation, the resurrection body of Christ is called “spiritual,” "heavenly," and a “life-giving spirit” because its source is the spiritual realm, or Heaven, not because its substance is immaterial. Christ’s supernatural resurrection body is “from heaven,” as Adam’s natural body was “of the earth” (v. 47). Also, the resurrection body is from heaven in the sense in which Adam's spirit, which animated his body, was from God or heaven. As the first man was from “earth” and had a material body and yet had an immaterial soul, even so the One from “heaven” also has a material body and yet had an immaterial spirit and divinity that was from heaven. As previously seen, the resurrected body of Jesus could transport itself from one location to another in an instant, could materialize inside of locked rooms, much the same way that we see occurring in the Star Trek genre of movies where people were by the "transporter." 

In Romans chapter five the apostle compares Adam and Christ. However, in contradistinction to first Corinthians chapter fifteen, he shows how Adam and Christ are mostly alike, saying that Adam was the "figure of him who was to come." (vs. 14) There are similarities and differences between the first and the second or last Adam. Both those chapters will demonstrate this fact. All this is involved in a physical body becoming spiritual and heavenly. In other words, the body will become both physical and spiritual. About it being heavenly recall these words of the apostle that we cited in earlier chapters:

"For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven." (II Cor. 5: 1-2 nkjv)

As Christ' body is called heavenly because the power that made it is from heaven, so too with the resurrected saints. The new body is both of the dust and from heaven. That seems like a contradiction, but it is not because the sense in which it is from heaven does not negate it being still the body that was made of the dust and that was buried in dust. 

Further, Christ in his physical body being "from heaven" must also allude to the fact that his physical body was not derived from the seed (sperm) of Joseph, but from the Father and Spirit. Thus, Christ being in his physical body a heavenly man denotes that his body was the product of God and heaven, though it was likewise a product of the earthly body of his mother Mary. 

Theologians debate whether what is said of Adam the first was pointing to what he was when made by the hand and breath of God or whether pointing to what he was after he had sinned. Likewise, they debate over whether Christ being a heavenly man and becoming a life giving spirit was what was true by his incarnation prior to his resurrection or what was true by his resurrection from the dead. 

Certainly Christ became, in his body, yea, in his whole person, a "life-giving spirit" as a result of his resurrection and glorification. That seems to be what Paul is affirming, and yet we read where Christ seemed to be a quickening spirit prior to his death and resurrection. Recall this text: "For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will." (John 5: 21 nkjv) Recall that he also said to Martha "I am the resurrection and the life." (John 11: 25) 

The words of Paul are clear however for he says that Christ "BECAME a life giving spirit" and does not mean that he became so by his incarnation but by his resurrection. Further, Christ in his divinity as the eternally begotten Son of the Father, was always a life giving spirit. But, this was not true of his humanity until his resurrection and when he became, in his relation to the dead, especially of dead saints, the source and power for resurrection. In other words, Christ' heavenly body becomes the source for the new bodies of his people. They are resurrected because of "the power of his resurrection" (Phil. 3: 10), because he is now a life giving spirit, having a spiritual body, and by becoming the source of resurrection and glorification for the bodies of dead saints.

JBF commentary says this about Christ becoming a life giving spirit: "so the spiritual body is the fruit of our union with the second Adam, who is the quickening Spirit (2 Co 3:17)." 

I think that is what is meant by Christ becoming, by his resurrection, a life giving spirit. All in union with him will find that their dead bodies will be animated and live again just as all in union with Adam have natural life and animation through him. 

Notice how reference is made to II Cor. 3: 17. It reads as follows: "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." Here "spirit" does not mean the Holy Spirit and therefore the translations should not have "spirit" capitalized. 

Matthew Poole's commentary says (emphasis mine):

"was made a quickening spirit: He was made so, not when he was conceived and born, for he had a body subject to the same natural infirmities that ours are; but upon his resurrection from the dead, when, though he had the same body, in respect of the substance of it, yet it differed in qualities, and was much more spiritual; with which body he ascended up into heaven, clothed with a power, as to quicken souls with a spiritual life, so also to quicken our mortal bodies at his second coming, when he shall raise the dead out of their graves."

I agree with this. The new body has a connection with the old. On that we will have more to say later. But, it is far different from the old. It differs as Poole says "in qualities." First of all, "spirit" is superior to "flesh." This is clear from these words of the prophet: "Now the Egyptians are men and not God, and their horses are flesh and not spirit." (Isa. 31: 3) Thus, involved in a "spiritual body" is power, supernatural power. As I have stated before, the resurrected and glorified saints will have greater power and abilities than they had while they were strictly flesh and blood in a sinful state. About these abilities we have already observed several things and will enlarge further in following chapters. In Christ being the second Adam, and a resurrected and glorified man, he has become the creator of a new humanity. 

John Gill writes this good commentary on the text (emphasis mine):

"now he is made "a quickening spirit"; which some understand of the Holy Spirit, which filled the human nature of Christ, raised him from the dead, and will quicken our mortal bodies at the last day; others of the divine nature of Christ, to which his flesh, or human nature, was united; and which gave life, rigour, and virtue, to all his actions and sufferings, as man; and by which he was quickened, when put to death in the flesh, and by which he will quicken others another day: though rather I think it is to be understood of his spiritual body, of his body, not as it was made of the virgin, for that was a natural, or an animal one; it was conceived and bred, and born as animal bodies are; it grew and increased, and was nourished with meat and drink, and sleep and rest; and was subject to infirmities, and to death itself, as our bodies be; but it is to be understood of it as raised from the dead, when it was made a spiritual body, for which reason it is called a "spirit": not that it was changed into a spirit, for it still remained flesh and blood; but because it was no more supported in an animal way; nor subject to those weaknesses that animal bodies are, but lives as spirits, or angels do; and a quickening one, not only because it has life itself, but because by virtue of the saints' union to it, as it subsists in the divine person of the Son of God, their bodies will be quickened at the last day, and made like unto it, spiritual bodies; also because he lives in his body as a spiritual one, they shall live in theirs as spiritual ones: and so the apostle shows, that there is a spiritual, as well as an animal body; that as the first man's body, even before the fall, was an animal or natural one; the last Adam's body upon his resurrection is a spiritual and life giving one, as the Syriac version renders it."

So, in conclusion, resurrected saints will not only be glorious (with all that is entailed in that glorification) but also spiritual and heavenly in their new bodies from heaven.