Sunday, September 8, 2024

Marxist Sociological Theory Is Killing America

When I began my junior year in my liberal arts education, I decided to have two majors, one in Sociology and the other in Speech Communication. I did this as a pre-law student, Sociology being recommended to me by my academic advisor (who had both a PhD. and a juris doctorate). I had an attraction for Sociology during my sophomore year elective in "Introduction to Sociology." Sociology is the study or science of group behavior. There is micro and macro Sociology. 

The smallest group consists of two people, and many Sociologists specialize in the study of relationships between people in small groups, such as a husband and wife, or a family. One of my sociological classes was on marriage and the family. Macro Sociology deals with larger groups, such as clubs, organizations, clans, nations, etc. 

In my other sociology studies, such as in "social stratification," "deviant behavior," etc., I was introduced to Marxist ideology, especially in what is called "conflict theory." It is that theory that I want to say a few words about. 

I was also interested in the concept of "functionalism" versus "dysfunctionalism." Also in what is called "exchange theory."* I believe it explains a lot of our behavior towards others. I also believe that there is some truth in conflict theory, but I also believe that many have erred in trying to use it to explain all social behavior. 

Such theories attempt to explain how groups effect individual behavior, and vise versa. It attempts to explain social change, and the "socialization process." That is generally defined as "The lifelong process of an individual or group learning the expected norms and customs of a group or society through social interaction." 

That socialization begins at birth when parents and others teach children about everything they will need to know to become social beings. It is a fascinating field of study, to say the least. Sadly however, as I early learned, very few Christians or strict bible believers are found in this social science field. In this posting we will see some of the reasons why. 

However, little did I know how my studies in Sociology would help me in understanding the history of religious groups and cults, such as the "Primitive" or "Hardshell" or "Old School" Baptists, and of religious movements, such as the "anti mission movement." 

Conflict Theory and Marxism

In "What Is Conflict Theory?" one good source says (See here emphasis mine): 

"Conflict theory, as associated with Karl Marx, is a social theory that posits that society is in a state of perpetual conflict because of competition for limited resources.1 Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than by consensus and conformity. According to conflict theory, those with wealth and power try to hold on to it by any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless. A basic premise of conflict theory is that individuals and groups within society will work to try to maximize their own wealth and power.1"

The same scholarly source further says this about conflict theory:

"Philosophers and sociologists have long sought to use conflict theories to explain a wide range of phenomena, including wars, revolutions, poverty, discrimination, and domestic violence. A basic premise of conflict theory is that individualcs and groups within society will work to try to maximize their own wealth and power.1"

Again, the same source says:

"Conflict theory is a sociopolitical theory that is heavily associated with Karl Marx. It seeks to explain political and economic events in terms of an ongoing struggle over finite resources. In this struggle, Marx emphasizes the antagonistic relationship between social classes, in particular the relationship between the owners of capital—whom Marx calls the “bourgeoisie”—and the working class, whom he calls the “proletariat.” Conflict theory had a profound influence on 19th- and 20th-century thought and continues to influence political debates to this day.1"

Again, the same source says:

"One common criticism of conflict theory is that it fails to capture the way in which economic interactions can mutually benefit the different classes involved. For example, conflict theory describes the relationship between employers and employees as one of conflict, in which the employers wish to pay as little as possible for the employees' labor, while the employees wish to maximize their wages. In practice, however, employees and employers often have a harmonious relationship." 

I recall in a Sociology class a discussion about various inequities in groups, as in nations and political states, and in regard to how individuals are rewarded for their work or contributions to the greater economic good. The question was asked why a major sports figure was often paid millions of dollars each year when garbage collectors were paid a pittance in comparison. How is that just and fair? The Marxist idea is that the government should decide a person's wages and how much money each should have. Recall the Marxist motto:  "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Karl Marx did not create the slogan but he popularized it in his 1875 book Critique of the Gotha Programme

The slogan refers to the free distribution of goods, capital, and services, and is one of Marx's few explicit descriptions of communism. That sounds good, but who decides a person's abilities and needs? Should a common laborer with little education or talent get equal wages as a sports great or as an astute businessman? Should not the person, and the capitalist economic system decide such things? Such a free enterprise system is built on meritocracy where greater rewards are earned by that person who works hard and does the things that bring wealth. That is the system the bible seems to uphold. 

In Marxist societies today, is everyone equal? No. There are still elite ones who rule and have a higher standard of living. Further, there is almost no middle class, people being either a part of the ruling elite or of the common people. The truth is, Marxism does not eliminate the conflict it focuses attention upon. 

This conflict theory is killing our country. Marxism seems to be what is coming, the prophesied world government of the Antichrist will be a communist dictatorship, much like is seen in China today. In such a society the ruling elite control everything and people are given a daily portion by the government. The 2030 motto of the World Economic Forum, which seeks to bring about this anti-Christian communist world dictatorship, says that by 2030 "you will own nothing and be happy." That is the way of communism, no private property, and thus everyone remains equally poor except the few ruling elite. 

*"Social Exchange stipulates that people apply economic principles when evaluating relationships, either consciously or unconsciously, conducting cost-benefit analysis while also comparing alternatives."

"According to social exchange theory, people will pursue relationships where rewards are greater than cost (net profit) and abandon those where costs are greater than profit (net loss). These profits can be measured in the short term or cumulatively. The value of costs and rewards is highly subjective." (See here)

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