Friday, April 27, 2018

Thy Kingdom Come

J. Dwight Pentecost in his famous book "Things To Come" said (emphasis mine):

"Every miracle which the Lord performed, then, may be understood to be not only a demonstration of the theocratic power of the Messiah, but also which depicts the conditions which will exist in the theocratic kingdom when it is established." (pg. 452)

That is a most insightful thesis statement on the connection between miracles, particularly those of Christ, and the promised kingdom of God on earth.

I read this great book many years ago and found it most informing. Though I am no Dispensationalist, as was Pentecost, I am Premillenial and interpret prophecy literally. Also, though I disagree with Pentecost and his pre-trib theory, I still find more to like in this book than to dislike. Further, anyone who studies prophecy and eschatology in depth will necessarily read this great work. Most of what Pentecost says about the nature of Messiah's kingdom I agree with, but I especially find what he says about prophecy and the literal approach in interpretation to be outstanding.

Messiah's promised kingdom, the "kingdom of heaven" or "the kingdom of God," is not yet here on earth. Aspects of it are here in miniature in the church and in the hearts of the regenerated, but it is still yet a matter of hope and prayer. We still pray "thy kingdom come" and "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Those two things go together. The kingdom may be said to be here when God's will is being done on earth as in heaven. As the latter has not yet occurred, so neither has the former.

What will the presence of the king, living and reigning on earth with his saints, mean for the world? The miracles of Christ tell us. He went about healing all the sick, casting out all the evil spirits, and raising the dead. Had the Jews not crucified him, he would have continued this work till every person was healed and till every evil spirit had been removed from the world, till all the dead had been raised. The kingdom of Christ on earth will see complete healing, having people who are immortal in body and soul, and who have supernatural knowledge and abilities, just as Christ had. What Jesus was doing during his three years on earth, in these miracles, was bringing the kingdom to earth, or showing what the presence of his kingdom on earth will mean for the world.

"Come quickly Lord Jesus"!

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