Thursday, May 17, 2018

More Hardshells Becoming Real Old Baptists

A brother recently wrote to me about how it seems that more and more "Primitive Baptists" are returning to the old Baptist faith in contending that all the elect will be brought to faith in Christ. He gave me several examples, but I will not mention names or churches. What I want to do is to cite a few words from the letter I got from this brother who is well informed about Hardshell history and of their present condition.

This brother wrote to me, saying (highlighting mine):

"I forgot to say that of course your ministry has had an effect! You've ruffled their feathers and forced them to take a look. Some dig in even deeper into the "cave" and some see the light. That's true with any group we try to reach."

So glad to hear this! I have little time left on this earth and yet I hope to see a genuine revival and growth among the "Primitive Baptists." The more they return to the faith of their fathers the more they will see revival and the blessing of God upon their labors.

The brother wrote:

"they told me about their journey away from the hard shells, and have now come to the belief that all the elect WILL be converted in THIS lifetime. they told me there are at least 10 churches in their area who have adopted this belief as well...they agree that all the original baptists believed this doctrine, and that most PB's went into error."

Oh such good news!

He wrote further:

"I have no idea of you directly or indirectly had an influence, but I firmly believe that you put a spark in someone, somewhere that led to this in some of these churches. There seems to be a movement in this direction in many area of the country. The hard shells are diggin in the heels even harder tho, but that may be a good thing."

May that "spark" become a blaze!

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