Friday, February 8, 2019

Elder J. C. Denton (1896) Faith Is Necessary

Elder Denton was a frequent writer in PB newspapers, especially in "The Gospel Messenger" and "The Baptist Trumpet." Denton wrote:

"WE KNOW THAT INFANTS are saved without that faith which “cometh by hearing,” but I am of opinion, with Eld. Hassell (C.B.) that they are not saved without faith in Christ. He says: “And as the grace of faith is the gift of God (Eph. i:19; ii:8; Gal. v:22; Phil. i:29; Heb. xii:2) it is as easy for Omnipotence to bestow it upon a dying infant as upon a living adult.” And if God does this, then the infant receives Christ by revelation, and enters heaven an intelligent worshipper of Him, ascribing its glorious redemption to Him!" ("The Baptist Trumpet," Vol.5., No.38, Oct. 1896 - see here)

Notice how Denton insists that no one, not even the dying infant, is saved "without faith in Christ." Is that not we have taught here in the Old Baptist Test blog? Are we not the real Old Baptists? Further, he cites C.B. Hassell's words. Have I not shown how Cushing Biggs held to gospel means? And, that his son Sylvester, in later days, denied means, and thus went against the view of his father and of the first PBs?

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