Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Hardshells & Campbellites Run From Their History

Bob L. Ross, author of

-Campbellism Its History and Heresies
-The Trinity and Eternal Sonship of Christ :
A Defense Against "Oneness Pentecostal" Attacks on Historic Christianity
-Restoration Movement
-Acts 2:38
-Hardshellism: Its History and Heresies

and several other good books, has had several debates with those identified as "Church of Christ" and those in the "restoration movement" and has had several private debates with Hardshells.

After a few debates with Ross, the Campbellites began to put a condition on any debates with him. What was it? They wanted him to agree to not mention anything about the history of those in the "Church of Christ" or "Christian Church" or "Disciples of Christ," but to stick only to the scriptures. But, why would they not want to discuss their history? Is it not for the same reason that our Hardshell brothers do not want to discuss their history?

Of course, I think Ross did agree to debate them on the terms they insisted upon. But, it did not help them, for the scriptures are much more against them than is their history! Same with the Hardshells! If the latter do not want to discuss their history, we will gladly restrict it to the scriptures only.

Have the Campbellites and Hardshells not been identified as "twins"? Do they not show so many similarities?

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