Friday, August 2, 2019

Full Of The Spirit?

Of John the Baptist it is said that he would be "filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb." (Luke 1: 15) But, it is also said about John the Baptist, the one who went forth "in the spirit and power of Elijah." (vs. 17), that he "worked no miracle"; And, in this respect, he was wholly unlike Elijah, who was indeed a miracle worker.

I have some thoughts to share about this. "Penny for your thoughts"?

First, one can be "filled with the Holy Spirit" and yet work no miracles, nor speak in tongues, nor heal anyone. Thus, being filled with the Spirit does not equate with working miracles.

Second, though the Baptist worked no miracle, yet this does not preclude him having the power to do so. A man filled with the Spirit can indeed work miracles, though he may not. There was a reason for John to not work miracle.

Third, believers are exhorted to "be filled with the Spirit." (Eph. 5:18) Let us not limit the power that comes with being thus filled. Too many of us are but "half full" at best. Lord, fill us now!

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