Saturday, November 23, 2019

Elder Newell Helms

JANUARY 28, 1932 – NOVEMBER 21, 2019

The obituary for Elder Helms has been posted here and gives funeral details.

As I stated in my announcement of Newell's passing, Newell and I were good friends. In my twenties, while married to his oldest daughter, he was a second father to me. We spent a lot of time together talking scripture. He counseled me much in those days about religious matters.

I was glad to hear brother Helms tell me in one of our visits at the Bear Creek Association (last decade) that he did not believe that unbelievers were saved and that he said this recently in a sermon. I said to him - "I am happy to hear you say this."

Newell loved Spurgeon and was regularly reading his sermons. I was happy about that fact also.

Newell was a good father, husband, and brother. He was gentle, patient, and was always ready to visit the sick in the hospital. Many times I went to Charlotte with him to visit them. Pastoring churches was more than just preaching to him.

He is happy now. Let us celebrate the Lord who gave this man such a rich full life.

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