Friday, November 8, 2019

Old Baptist & Medical Hemp (1874)

In the weekly periodical "The Baptist Watchman," edited by elders R.W. Fain and J.B. Stephens, both doctors in the Nashville area, there are advertisers on the last pages (as other Old School papers of the time). Not only has it been interesting to read the old periodicals for their doctrinal writings, but also sometimes to see the advertisements for products and services.

In the issues I am reading (mid 1870s) I found this advertisement for "East India Hemp" and the words "What We Know About It" under the title.

"Instead of devoting a column to the merits of this strange and wonderful plant, we remain silent and let it speak for itself through other lips than ours, believing that those who have suffered most can better tell the story. We will here quote word for word from letters received, simply adding out testimony to the rest in saying, that when this plant is properly prepared, we know that it positively cures consumption, and will break up a fresh cold in twenty-four hours. 

St. Mary's Church, Allegheny City, Pa. November 10, 1874.

The East India Hemp has been taken by Rev. Matthias Binder, O S B, and Rev. Sebastian Arnold, O S B, both assistant pastors of this church, and so far has given relief to both. They suffered from affections of the lungs and bronchial organs. We have recommended, through charity to sufferers, the Cannabis Indica to different persons, and continue the same in good conscience, knowing the effects by experience. Please find inclosed (sic) check for twelve bottles of syrup, pills and lintment (sic). We shall inform you in due time further success the medicines shall meet with. 

Yours truly,
Rev. Ferdinand Wolf, O S B
87 Washington Street

China Grove, Rowan Co, N C, Oct. 21, 1874

Send one dozen Ointment and one of Cannabis Indica. When Mr. J. W. Fisher brought his wife to me for examination, I found her in the incipient stage of tuberculous consumption. Then it was I concluded to make a fair trial of Indian Hemp, and now there is a general demand for those remedies. The Ointment excels everything and anything of its kind I ever saw or tried; in many cases it acts like a charm. 

Fraternally yours,
P A Sifford, MD

A Sample of others on the use of medical hemp

"Inclosed is $10 for more of the Indian Hemp. I can truly say that this medicine has done me more good than all the doctors and I had several of the best in the country. My cough is a great deal better and my chills and night sweats are gone. You may look for several orders soon, as many have seen the effect of this medicine on me."

"Your treatment for consumption has so improved my condition that the inquiry comes every day from my friends, What are you taking? Several are talking of sending for some of your medicine, and James Huff desires me to order for him $9 worth of the Hemp."

Is this not interesting in light of the "medical marijuana" issue of today? And of the debate about the uses of Hemp?

I publish this because I thought others might like to know this fact. Historians often find such things in their research. What think ye? We know that pastors today must give counsel on the use of Hemp, right?

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