Saturday, December 21, 2019

Elder W. M. Mitchell On The Necessity of Conversion

Elder W. M. Mitchell 

The following is taken from "The Southern Baptist Messenger," edited by Wm.L. Beebe and J.L. Purington and was written by Elder W. M. Mitchell of Alabama (October 1, 1860), who was a frequent writer.

Wrote Elder Mitchell (emphasis mine)

"The saving of sinners from their sins with an everlasting salvation is a great work, but God is a Great God and all his works are great. When it is said that “salvation is of the Lord” it is thereby declared that everything pertaining to salvation from first to last is of him. There is no salvation without the choice of God in Christ. He hath therefore from the beginning chosen us unto salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth...In conclusion, let us not overlook the fact that in order to salvation, it is necessary that we be born again; that we have faith, repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; but as salvation is of the Lord, these things are as much of him as our redemption, calling or justification, for his “divine power hath given us all things that pertain unto, life and godliness.” 2 Pet. i. 4. “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things ?”" (see here)

Well, can I get an amen from our modern PBs? Will they claim to be "primitive" or "original" and yet can't find where their forefathers believed in salvation without faith in Christ and without evangelical repentance?

1 comment:

Kevin Fralick said...

One of the first quotes I came upon when I first started questioning the fairy tale history I had been taught! And it's a good one.