Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Another Health Update

Just got home today from the hospital. Had a heart attack and a stent put in one of my coronary arteries. It has been an ordeal. Will try to write about it later. God is good. Keep my wife and me in your prayers (she is on oxygen 24 hours). So, in addition to having pulmonary fibrosis I also have heart problems along with other things. 


Ken Mann said...

Dear Brother Stephen you and your wife are in my prayers. All of us have hearts of flesh that grow ever more faint, but the new heart He has given us grows stronger. For those who believe, death does not have the final word and when one of us goes home, its just a matter of saying "I will see you in the morning". In the mean time, keep doing what God has for you to do. We only have a foretaste of what is to come, but the assurance He has given, gives us perfect peace, tho we may yet struggle with letting it pierce our soul. "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, oh what a foretaste of Glory Divine!

Stephen Garrett said...

You are a precious brother emanating the love of Christ. The theological differences we have distract not from our mutual love. We will one day all see eye to eye. Thanks for being a part of this blog. I expect you and Kevin to keep it going after the Lord calls me home.