Monday, June 27, 2022

Co-existing Opinions?

From time to time you see memes floating around Facebook telling us that each man should be entitled to his own opinion, and not try to convince others of their own.  I don't know how often you come across them but I see them all the time.  I suppose it's a popular thing to circulate today, given all the talk about free speech, and the popular conviction that this is the best way for all of us to simply get along.  I can't help but be reminded of how similar this is to how Luther attacked Erasmus for his inherent contradiction; namely, asserting his belief that Christians should not make assertions, but simply go with the flow for the sake of peace.  For those who say we should keep our opinions to ourselves are themselves guilty of asserting this, their opinion!

One particular meme showed up in my feed today:

"You are entitled to your opinion.  But you are not entitled to tell me what mine should be."

And here is my response.  What do you think? Did I get it right?


"Ironically, is not this quote an opinion which you're trying to convince me of?  Why are you trying to tell me and persuade me that your opinion on the subject of opinions is the correct one; namely, that everyone should be entitled to his own opinion, and that we should not try to convince others of contrary opinion.

If you really believe this, then you must never make a supposed truth claim for the rest of your existence.  For the moment you make any assertion, you are thus stating an opinion which you are telling to your intended audience, even if your opinion is simply on the subject of opinions. 

And even more ironic, I am now telling you this particular opinion of mine, that your opinion on the subject of opinions is wrong, and you should consider my opinion as an alternative.

Free speech was never meant to lay aside the necessity of telling people the truth. Advocates of truth, upon hearing an opinion not grounded in truth, attempt to convince others of their erring opinion, not simply so they will change their opinion, but in order to win them to the TRUTH.

A society which is content with simply having contrary opinions co-exist, and never attempt to make any advancements for objective truth, is an impossibility.  Eventually truth or error must prevail. If truth, then a nation blessed by God; if error, then one marked for divine judgment."

1 comment:

Stephen Garrett said...

You are right. The bible says a lot about talking to fools and morons.

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." (Prov. 18: 2)

We could cite more verses like this. It is useless to argue with people who are so foolish. Sorry to say, our country is full of such fools.
