Tuesday, April 25, 2023


    As the world continually descends into chaos and evil, we must conclude that forces that we have not experienced before are at work. Yes we have always had to fight Satan and his minions, but today we face this evil on a level not seen in centuries. BUT the world has seen this level of evil before. However, now that the world has grown smaller because of technology, this evil has encompassed the whole planet at one time.

   The recent murders of Christian children by a person who was "transgender" at Covenant Christian School, shows how evil and low this force is.  This person deliberately targeted a Christian school and it's children. This person had been playing a video game created by another trans person, which allows players to "kill" anti-trans persons, including priests and ministers (you get extra points for that). And just who is it that stands against this evil? Christians.

   A "Day of Vengeance" was planned by the trans community. There was no public mourning for the children and their adult loved ones. There was no outrage over the "hate crimes" committed against Christians. Instead, Christians were vilified because this trans woman had been taught the truth by Christians.

   The shedim (Hebrew for demon) who were behind all the false gods of the ancient civilizations, have as their primary goal death. Not always bodily death, but death of the personhood of those they possess, death of their gender, their personality, their dreams. The possessed person becomes a danger to himself and others. The shedim were behind the gods of the ancient world from Persia, to Egypt, to Rome and everything in between. They were behind the gods who demanded the sacrifice of infants who were burned to death on brazen altars.With the rise of Christianity, the shedim who were behind the false gods were cast out of western civilization for the most part. Even during the dark days where Catholicism reigned, there was still enough truth and light of Christ, that the shedim could not rule as they had before. Remember that false gods ruled the whole world before Jesus came, except for a tiny speck of land we call Israel. Any culture that has cast off these demons, and then turn away from God, allowing them to come back, faces a bleak future. Whenever demons are cast out, and allowed to return, they come back with a vengeance, and their revengeful focus will be upon those who who had cast them out, namely, Christians. 

   One of the gods which have returned, is the "enchantress", also known in Sumeria as Inana, and Greece as Hermaphroditus and Ishtar in Mesopotamia, and Checomecoatl in the Aztec empire,that ancient god who turned women into men, and men into women. Her cult had various names, but perversion and prostitution were always practiced in her temples. Her male priests had their sex organs cut off and dressed as women. Her holy month was June, where parades were held by pride filled demoniacs. Sound familiar? In Luke 8:26-39, Jesus cast out demons from a man, and while the man was thankful, the town asked Jesus to leave. They were evidently more afraid of being changed by Jesus, than they were fearful of the demons.  The demoniac man dwelt in the hollows and caves, and attacked anyone who came by. Demon forces seek out dark places both spiritually and physically when possessing a person. The name of the shooter at Covenant School was Audrey Hale. "Hale" means "one who dwells in the hollows, the caves".

   As anyone knows, whether Christian or not, the satanic number is 666. Audrey Hale killed 6 people, the 3 adults were all around 60 years old, and I see 666. The children were all aged 9. Satanic forces like to invert symbols both to deceive and to mock. When you take the ages of the 3 children and invert them it is another 666. Maybe I read too much, Maybe I've seen too many movies. But maybe I am correct.

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