Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sylvester Hassell & KJV Onlyism

While reading that section in Hassell's History where thoughts on the Millennial question were made by C.B. Hassell I noticed one comment that was made about translations. I found one that showed that the authors (C.B. and Sylvester) did not believe the KJV was without errors. For my previous entries relative to this, see 

In Hassell's Church History, we note these words:

"It is unfortunate that King James's, or the Authorized Version of the Bible, always translates by the same term "beast" the two different Greek words zoon and therion in the book of Revelation." (page 253)

That doesn't sound like they believed the KJV translators were inspired and always translated properly.

Recall that Sylvester said:

"Nowhere in the Bible does God promise to inspire or make infallible translators or transcribers or printers; but the men of God who first wrote the Scriptures were, as they claim, and as is abundantly demonstrated, inspired of God; and He has not allowed these variations of others to affect a single doctrine or practice of His Written Word."

What think ye?

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