Monday, September 25, 2023

Wine & Cheese Theologians?

I do not know who first coined the term "wine and cheese theologian," but I first heard it from Adrian Rogers in one of his sermons. I have thought about that expression many times. So, what is a "wine and cheese theologian"? I think it describes some bible students and teachers who are all "academic," perhaps to the point of "ever learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth." (II Tim. 3: 7) Some preachers have warned Christians against having a mere head knowledge, without the heart, and without actual putting into practice what they have been studying. We might spend all day debating about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but what did we do in good works today, besides read and study? 

There is nothing wrong with having wine and cheese and discussing the things of God. So, the warning is not against that practice per se. The Baptists in London in the 1600s would frequently meet in the coffee houses and have bible discussions. Nothing is wrong with that. 

What is condemned by the expression is "doting about questions and strifes of words" (I Tim. 6: 4). It is keeping one's "head in the clouds," of being a dreamer, of living in a fantasy world, of being all thought and no action, of not putting into practice what is learned in scripture. 

Many have accused Calvinists, especially Hyper Calvinists, of being lazy in regard to evangelism and soul winning, that they are not emphasizing practice and good works (other than bible study). They are like the servant who buried his lord's money in the ground rather than investing it and making it increase. (See Matt. 25: 14-30) 

What think ye? 

1 comment:

Ken Mann said...

It is true that many Calvinists love to "dissect" God and salvation, putting everything under a microscope constantly getting converts from Arminians or Non Calvinists. I read an article on reddit the other day that was a "Reformed" discussion and ranting against Independent Fundamental Baptists, and in the comment section after railing against them, made the comment, "but I was saved in one of those churches". So they pride themselves in believing they have the correct "science" of God, but how many have been saved because of their preaching? The majority were saved in a non Reformed church. Those who are not Calvinists, tho they may not be as hung up on the "science" of how things work, can be just as guilty. They think
the pastor is paid to win souls, instead of them actually being a witness to a lost world. They at times, tend towards legalism and an outward appearance of holiness, yet they have never walked across the street to tell their neighbor of the Savior. The Calvinists love the "science" and think they have the knowledge, the Arminians think they have the "spirit" and walk. Both are in error. I will say tho, that the Arminian and Non Calvinist preachers do at least have public revivals and tent meetings. We must not get inside our four walls, gaining "knowledge" when the mission field is "out there". I may have all knowledge about how electricity works, but it does no good if I dont know where the light switch is. I do not always need to understand how electricity works. All I need to know is that when I flip the switch, there is light!