Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Recent Hardshell Comments

I have taken an hiatus from writing lately, working on some building projects here at home. During the past couple weeks I have received two comments from Hardshells. I have not yet made a reply but plan to do so soon. For now, I want our readers to see these comments. Before I respond to them, anyone want to comment?


"You have forgotten, or never new of the simplicity of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. God had nothing to do with those who are not his and says he never knew them, and told them to depart. God does not even try to save those who are not his. You don't understand what the word hell means, You don't understand what the words saved means, and You do not understand what dead in trespasses and sins means. You are in danger of a hell fire that has nothing to do with eternal hell. You are creating for yourself a self created , self inflicted hell here on this earth for yourself. The power of death and life is of the tongue ….You have outstepped bounds and damned yourself to a self created hell here on this earth. I suggest you shut it down. You believe in a weak sniveling puny little god. And you are about to get stepped on."  April 1, 2019 at 9:07 AM (see here)


In the comment section of my article Hardshells And Alien Baptism (viii), an article reviewing Elder Herb Hatfield's Internet article, I published this comment that seems clearly to be from Elder Hatfield.

"By the sovereign providence of God, I came across this article that I assume was written by a Mr Steven Garret. I do not know the person and he made no attempt to discuss my written article on baptism. Yet, he is so wise that he can tell me I am wrong without ever discussing the issue with me. NOt does he tell me of my errors, but he informs everyone that I am arrogant. This is an amazing evaluation since we have never met nor had any communication except this one article. The man processes great wisdom indeed. I have been called many things, but I believe it is the first time I have been accused of being "arrogant." My only defense is that I make no claim of greatness or wisdom, only what I read in the Word of God. I am just a sinner saved by the sovereign grace of God and my only hope of salvation is in the precious death of Jesus Christ. I do have some beliefs that I hold which I believe are based on the Word of God as I have been given understanding by the Holy Spirit. If that makes me to be arrogant, than I am guilty. The write also make the false accusation against me that I believe that only Primitive Baptists are saved. This is totally false. I believe that all God's elect are saved by Jesus Christ's death, regardless of what denomination they may belong to. I wish the writer had communicated with him, I might have saved him from making so many false statements."

What think ye?


Kevin Fralick said...

Most of the comments we receive remain at the personal level. The "anonymous" commenter (more often that not) makes no attempt to refute or even address the substance of the article, but quickly heads for the exit before the discussion can rise above that.

That's very telling, and plainly shows on whose side both the historical and biblical data resides. Ours.

And the casual reader knows this.

Henry Barrick said...

In response to Herb Hatfield's comment:
I have visited the congregation which Herb pastors. He has sat for dinner at my home and he gave a brief message in my living room before we sang hymns together. I believe God providentially arranged for him to minister to my wife and I while we were(and still are) going through a rough time in the absence of a church fellowship.I continue to communicate with him now and then via telephone and email.
I can vouch for the fact that Herb Hatfield is a good Christian man who has extended to me the primary fruit of a Christian...love.

After reviewing the original post on alien baptism which Herb commented on, I cannot find his(Herb) claim that "The write also make the false accusation against me that I believe that only Primitive Baptists are saved." I have never heard a p.b. make that claim except in the context of time salvation, (some claim to be the only ones that believe the true gospel).

I am not in agreement with Herb's position on baptism as it pertains to admittance into a Church and the qualifications of the administrator. In my estimation the biblical data does not support his position. However, calling him an arrogant man probably isnt the best way to create the opportunity for dialogue. After coming to know Herb a little bit, I would think him to be one that would be very willing to discuss some of the things presented on this blog as long as it was for the cause of truth.
I began communicating with Herb about two years after I had left a conditionalist primitive baptist church and was interested in what the absoluters believed. I really drilled him with alot of questions and he came right back with answers. I dont agree with him on some points, but I am thankful and it was helpful none the less. I would suggest trying to make contact with Herb and appologize for any false claims or accusations(if there has been) and invite him to join the discussion for the benefit of the readers. Some of the issues presented on this blog are both important for us as christians to understand so that we can apply them in life, as well as difficult ones that require much effort to grasp. Discussion from two different views can aid in this process.
I enjoy this blog and Herb is a great guy!

Stephen Garrett said...

Dear Henry:

Thanks as always for your insights and comment.

When I spoke of the arrogance of Hatfield it was in regard to how he approached the issue in discussion. How he approached it was a typical example of Hardshell arrogance. What could we expect from those who have a "we only" mentality? Who think they are the only ones right on salvation.

My father knew Herb and was a guest in his home. Dad spoke to me several times about him and his beliefs.

My statement about his arrogance was not meant to slander his character but to point to a state of mind that is characteristic of cult thinking.

I will write more on this when I make a response. I am hoping that more will comment first.

Blessings in Christ,
