Sunday, April 21, 2019

Thoughts on Jason Brown

Over the past few weeks I have looked over the many comments I have received since 2008 (when I first began blogging and writing articles for Internet viewing) and came across some comments from brother Jason Brown, with whom we had some interesting discussions in this blog a few years back. I don't know what happened to brother Jason, but I have thought of him and prayed for him many times. Jason first began to interact with me on my Baptist Gadfly blog, which was where I did most of my writing before beginning The Old Baptist Test blog. I thought it would be good to show these comments from Jason, and of my comments to him, and then make some observations on them.

Commented brother Jason Brown to me back in 2012 in an article I wrote in The Baptist Gadfly titled "Why The Difference?"

"I enjoyed the post, brother Garrett, and your recent series on the implications of hamartia. Fruitful study.

The Arminian notion of prevenient grace establishes indeed that men must bring something to a resistible grace, which logically necessitates a locus of righteousness apart from grace in those who respond and those who do not."

(present observations: that study on "hamartia" was a good one. Wish others could read it and be edified as was brother Jason. We could all help each other grow if we would just read what each other are writing and respond as Christian gentlemen)

Dear Brother Jason (highlighting mine):

I appreciate your approval. But, I would also add that this is true with conversion as well as with regeneration, a truth that is denied by "Primitive Baptists" today. They do not believe that God makes the difference as regards their conversion or "time salvation."

God makes the difference in every aspect of our salvation.

As you can see, I have been busy with writings here and have not had time to write for the Old Baptist blog. Hopefully, that will change in the future.

I am glad that we have gotten to know each other and I commend you for your willingness to challenge today's Hardshells regarding their departures from the Old Baptist faith.



(present observations: Oh that more would emulate brother Jason! Would to God we would hear again from this dear brother!)

Jason then said in a return comment:

I have enjoyed our debate correspondence, brother Garrett, and hope the Lord blesses you in your study and defense of the doctrines of grace.

I agree that any that argue that conversion is not a work of God have obviously not considered the implications of 2 Peter 1:3, as God is the author of all things that pertain to life and godliness in the lives of His children, which plainly must encompass gospel faith.

However, though God makes the difference in all aspects of salvation, God does not sanctify His children equally, manifestly, as the thief on the cross proves. Even contrasting Old and New testament saints, it is clear that God blesses some with a greater clarity of gospel truth than others.

I know you've been busy, and look forward to future dialogue. I've listened to your debates - your recent one is up on the 46th Street CoC website, by the way.

(present observations: Would to God our modern Hardshells would listen to what Jason said in the above words! Did you see how we left off our discussion? No ad hominem arguments! No rudeness or unwarranted sarcasm! Just honest discussion of the scriptures! God bless that dear brother for being willing to discuss our differences and be willing to unite in our agreement!)

What think ye?

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