Friday, February 7, 2020

Demons Today

Where are the demons today? Are they only a phenomenon of ancient times? Have all the demons been cast out of our world?

Recognizing the presence of demonic spirits would be easy if each demonized person had symptoms that were as dramatic as those we saw in movies like The Exorcist, where the demon possessed spewed out vomit, and the head spins, and the body levitates, and where there is a sudden drop in room temperature, and where there is a total distortion of physical appearance, and a guttural voice, and where there are objects flying about the room. Nor do we need to go to the place where the criminally insane are confined.

In ancient societies, like Greece, demons were not viewed as necessarily bad. In fact, Socrates claimed to have his demon. Today, to get possessed of a spirit is called "channeling."

Wrote one writer (here):

"The practice of channeling — a person's body being taken over by a spirit for the purpose of communication — has been around for millennia. There are countless stories of shamen, witch doctors, prophets and others who claim to hear voices or receive some supernatural knowledge from the spirit world. Channelers, also sometimes known as psychic mediums, often use what are called "spirit guides," friendly spirits who give them knowledge and help them on their spiritual journeys.

According to Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, authors of "Opening to Channel: How to Connect With Your Guide," "channeling is a powerful means of spiritual unfoldment and conscious transformation. As you channel you build a bridge to the higher realms — a loving, caring, purposeful collective higher consciousness that has been called God, the All-that-Is, or the Universal Mind...Channeling involves consciously shifting your mind and mental space in order to achieve an expanded state of consciousness.

To achieve this expanded state of consciousness, channelers usually meditate, trying to break free of worldly influences and tune in to a higher consciousness. They may imagine themselves seeking out specific spirits of the dead, or they may be contacted, apparently unbidden, by some unknown force that wishes to communicate."

J. Z. Knight is one who years ago (and even now) professed to "channel" an ancient spirit named "Ramtha."

If you want to find demons, look to those with wealth and power, those in "high places." Look for them in politics, in Hollywood's actors, in religious cults, and such like. In religions like Hinduism and Voodism, demons are worshiped and many are possessed by them. The many "gods" and "goddesses" in Hinduism are nothing but demons. (See I Cor. 10:20)

To my thinking, demons have with subtilty adapted  themselves to our times. They know how to keep themselves hidden. Some even possess animals, though they prefer human bodies to possess.

The only sure protection against demon possession is to be possessed of God's Spirit.

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