Tuesday, February 4, 2020

One Word Prayers

In the following one word prayers, which I often communicate to the Lord, the words "Lord" and "me" are implied in the one word prayers. So, the sentence is "Lord ______ me."

1. Help
2. Save
3. Sanctify
4. Renew (or change)
5. Forgive
6. Mercy
7. Humble
6. Instruct
7. Keep
8. Uphold
9. Draw
10. Comfort
11. Heal
12. Hear
13. Favor
14. Bless
15. Control
16. Correct
17. Lead
18. Give
19. Lift (or raise)
20. Know (or search)
21. Defend (or protect)
22. Prosper
23. Strengthen (or enable)
24. Convert
25. Redeem
26. Cleanse
27. Free (or liberate)
28. Transform (or conform)
29. Seal
30. Content
31. Quiet (or still)
32. Make (or create)
33. Feed
34. Sustain
35. Clothe
36. Quicken
37. Rework
38. Acquit (or justify)
39. Advocate (or plead)
40. Intercede
41. Send
42. Illumine (or enlighten)
43. Give (or increase)
44. Answer
45. Use
46. Enter
47. Satisfy
48. Quench
49. Equip
50. Alert
51. Warn
52. Perfect
53. Plant (or not uproot)
54. Move (or translate)
55. Reconcile
56. Convict
57. Persuade
58. Grace
59. Fix (or repair)
60. Restore
61. Turn (or return)
62. Sweeten
63. Accept (or receive)
64. Unite (or reunite)

Now, there are no doubt many other words that could be added to this list.

Prayers do not have to be long as sermons to be heard. Thank God!

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