Tuesday, April 7, 2020

"Law Of Double Reference"

I referred to the concept of "dual fulfillment" in a recent posting (see here), what others call "law of double reference. In "Things To Come" Pentecost (page 46-47) wrote:

"The law of double reference. Few laws are more important to observe in the interpretation of prophetic Scriptures than the law of double reference. Two events, widely separated as to the time of their fulfillment, may be brought together into the scope of one prophecy. This was done because the prophet had a message for his own day as well as for a future time. By bringing two widely separated events into the scope of the prophecy both purposes could be fulfilled. Horne says:

The same prophecies frequently have a double meaning, and refer to different events, the one near, the other remote; the one temporal, the other spiritual or perhaps eternal. The prophets thus having several events in view, their expressions may be partly applicable to one, and partly to another, and it is not always easy to make the transitions. What has not been fulfilled in the first, we must apply to the second; and what has already been fulfilled, may often be considered as typical of what remains to be accomplished."

There are many examples in scripture that prove that some prophecies have a dual or multi fulfillment in events separated in time but which were viewed as happening in a singular event by the prophet.


Henry Barrick said...

This is interesting. I have heard of this before. What are some of the scripture examples?

Stephen Garrett said...

In my posting "Hosea 6:1-3 - "After Two Days..." (III) Dual Fulfillment" I wrote:

Of OT prophecies that have a dual fulfillment, we can especially notice these:

1. in the coming of Christ (some aspects fulfilled in the first, and some in the second coming)

2. in the coming of Elijah (some aspects fulfilled in John the Baptist, others in Elijah at the 2nd coming)

3. as in the coming of the kingdom (some aspects fulfilled in the church, others at the 2nd coming)

We may add to this Isaiah's and Jeremiah's prophecy of the fall and destruction of Babylon. It has been initially fulfilled in the fall of Babylon but has a final complete fulfillment at the second coming.

We may add the Olivet prophecy of the Lord. There was an initial fulfillment in AD 70 but a fuller fulfillment at the second coming.

Many many examples.