Saturday, March 27, 2021

Garrett Believes In Salvation By Works?

The other day I spent nearly an hour talking to a young man who has converted out of Hardshellism. This man has spent much time talking to Hardshell elders about Stephen Garrett and the Old Baptist Test blog. He filled me in on some of the things that are being said about me within the Hardshell cult. One of those things was the charge that I believed in salvation by works. Here was my response to him and now to them publicly.

1. They know better. Anyone who reads any amount of my writings will know how untrue is that accusation. However;

2. James says that faith without works is dead. 

3. Paul says we are created in Christ Jesus unto good works. If there are no good works, there is no new creature.

4. Let them try getting into heaven with a dead faith and no good fruit.

It was also said that "Stephen Garrett believes in Lordship salvation." And, here was my short response:

1. Well, yes I do, especially if by that term they mean "perseverance."

2. This was the view of the forefathers of the PB church, and still is among some.

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