Monday, August 23, 2021

Crony Capitalism

It seems to me that the "New World Order" that many of the world's elite are seeking to create will be a global one world government that is a socialistic system that secures the corrupt system of "crony capitalism." What is it? One definition says that "Crony capitalism is an economic system in which businesses thrive not as a result of free enterprise, but rather as a return on money amassed through collusion between a business class and the political class." 

This is the kind of socialistic economic and political system we see in every country in the world, some more and some less. In fact there are agencies that list each country and gives its level of crony capitalism. Crony capitalism exists in countries where there is totalitarian rule, such as in Russia and China. By its very nature it is a corrupt system.

Said one writer on the subject (emphasis mine):

"...crony capitalism is a world-wide disease. Having formally rejected communism, the masters of Russia — Vladimir Putin and company — control the economy through economic favors and threats. Putin, a former KGB lieutenant colonel, just can not break past bad habits. Any businessman who does not cooperate with the Russian political leaders can find themselves bankrupt, in prison, or worse..." (here)

The same writer says:

"Other countries reputed to be seriously infected with crony capitalism include China, Malaysia, Ukraine..."

In "crony capitalism," says the writer, "the government picks winners and losers through crony capitalism."

Today in the USA we see the marriage between big tech and big business with the federal government and with state and local governments. Government protects certain businesses and gives them favors and in return the businesses give money to political campaigns. It also not only includes big business but big labor organizations such as the NEA and other large labor unions. 

In a country where there is such a marriage between capitalists (businesses) and government leaders there is a "pecking order" established. 

The leaders of the the world who see the coming new world order as inevitable are now "jockeying for position" in that new global order. This is true with national governments and with large businesses. They want a monopoly on their positions in the coming pyramidal hierarchy. They want to secure their positions in the new world order as soon as possible. 

Said another writer (from the Detroit News):

"It is, as economist Randall Holcombe puts it in his book on “Political Capitalism,” a “system in which the economic and political elite cooperate for their mutual benefit.” The political elite tilt the economic playing field in favor of the economic elite, privileging them through subsidies, regulatory protections, and targeted tax breaks. In exchange, the economic elite then help to ensure that the political elite remain in power. The rest of us pay the bill for this quid pro quo through higher taxes, higher prices, and a less efficient, less dynamic economy." (here)

There is a lot of good information on this topic. Perhaps I will have more to say in the future.

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