Thursday, August 5, 2021

Observations on "The New World Order"

The Bible predicts that the last great world empire under the Antichrist will be in existence when Christ comes. Christ's coming destroys Antichrist and his empire. He must therefore come before Christ, although Christ comes first in judgment and tribulation before his actual coming in body in Revelation 19. Today there is continued talk about "the new world order." I am convinced that this "new world order" will be what is foretold in scripture as being "the beast," the final form of Satan's kingdom. We are so close to seeing all this come to pass in our day.

Technologies to be used to bring about a global totalitarian state:

1. Surveillance technology

- cameras everywhere
- TVs, phones, Alexa, etc., that listen to your conversations
- Big tech companies that have your e-mails, texts, etc.
- Tracking implants (as now in animals, children, criminals, etc.)
- Drones
- Satellites

2. Bio-Medical Technology

- Mind altering drugs and Gene Editing 
- Prescription and illegal narcotics (sorcery)
- Sound wave technology and its effects on the brain and the human body

3. Psychological Conditioning

- Mass media and subliminal messaging (brainwashing)
- Socialization process (educational system)
- Destruction of the traditional nuclear family and replaced by government
- Use of the culture and its determinants (such as Hollywood) to change the culture

4. Artificial Intelligence

- The use of AI is now becoming more a tool to gather information on citizens by government and big tech and with more information comes more power and control over the individual.

- AI will become the "all seeing eye" and will be upon every citizen and all rights to privacy will be gone.

Things that must be gotten rid of to bring about a global totalitarian state:

1. Cash. Government cannot exercise full control over the economy since they cannot control cash transactions. But, in a cashless economy, when all is bought and sold digitally, then all transactions are under government supervision and control.

2. Guns. Government cannot exercise full control as long as its citizens are armed.

3. Freedom. Individual freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, and movement are restraints upon governmental power and control, or authoritarianism. Its removal is essential for totalitarianism. 

4. Christianity. Christianity and any other religion that does not abide by governmental beliefs on such issues as gay rights, transgender rights, etc., will be banned as it is an obstacle to complete government control.

5. Private Property. Private ownership of land and assets is a hindrance to governmental power and control over people and its removal will increase dependence upon the government and thus its power and control.

6. Free Press. Every totalitarian state began with a removal of a free press and all news agencies came under the control of the government and became a propaganda machine for it.

7. State and Local Governments. For the government to have absolute power and control over its citizens it must be united under one head or group. The idea of the founding fathers that governmental power should be equally distributed between three branches (executive, legislative, judicial) and between states and the federal government must be done away with. Included in this is a national police force rather than local or state forces. 

8. America. As long as the United States retains the above items and fights against their riddance, a one world government cannot be created. Change America and all others will be forced to get on the bandwagon. America's government and political, social, and religious beliefs must be radically changed so that she is no longer a hindrance to a one world government. 

9. Israel. For whatever reason, biblically or otherwise, Israel is viewed as an obstacle to world unification. As long as there is conflict in the middle east a one world government is hindered. Destroying her politically is therefore seen as a necessity for bringing about a world totalitarian state.

Recently, in the World Economic Forum, the "leaders of the world" got together and declared their plan to remake the world (into a "new world order"), using the present Corona Virus pandemic along with Climate Change to bring about this plan to reshape every aspect of life on earth for every global citizen. One of the mottoes of their recent meeting (January) in reference to their "great reset" or "2030Vision" is "you will own nothing and you will be happy." Many bible believers think that this is the prelude for the coming of the beast. 

There are lots of YouTube videos by bible teachers and world leaders who are talking about all this. Some, like Prince Charles, are promoting the goals of the World Economic Forum. This also would include many leaders around the world, including China's Xi, and our own president and the Democratic party. If one reads through all the literature from the WEF he will see all this spelled out in detail. In the above I have listed things that must be gotten rid of and how the plan is to use technology and economics to bring about their goal of a one world totalitarian government. 

You can check all this out on the World Economic Forum web page. It is easy to find as big tech wants you to find it easy enough.

What think ye?


Kevin Fralick said...

Brother, I can definitely see this. One thing I'm firmly convinced of is that our country is currently under divine judgment, per Paul's blueprint in Romans 1. And that may fit into the bigger picture which you lay out here. Is it okay for such knowledge to make one sad, as it does me, especially when you consider the number of folks who do not really know "what's going on", and are optimistic of the pushbacks against this agenda? I am certainly not optimistic about the future, viewing it from a human perspective of course, because I see God's wrath being poured out on a nation which Has rejected Him.

Stephen Garrett said...

It strengthens our faith by seeing prophecy fulfilled however. As we see these things come to pass exactly as the scriptures foretell we are more fully assured of the inspiration of the scriptures. Further, there is much instruction in scripture for believers who live up to the time of the end, what they should do, what they should expect, etc. God help us to wake up and be ready. We will need his miraculous power to persevere through the coming tribulation. The church is asleep. Persecution will get rid of the hypocrites. The Lord will purge his church before he empowers the remnant with great grace and power.

Thanks for the comment. God is sovereign.

