Thursday, August 5, 2021

Pastor Charles Lawson

I have recently been listening to Charles Lawson's sermons, pastor of Temple Baptist Church (Independent) in Knoxville, Tenn. (See here) Though I am finding myself learning more and more of his doctrinal beliefs I am finding I am in much agreement. However, I do reject his KJV Onlyism and Dispensationalism. 

He seems to be one with keen insight into what is going on now prophetically. He also is an example in good preaching. His style is excellent. He teaches. His sermons have meat and milk. He has good pathos and his ethos too is good. I wish more preachers would listen to him just to see a good example in Christian discourse.

Here are some sermons I recommend:

On the Covid conspiracy and the New World Order in prophecy (here)

"Most Important Message Of This Generation You'll Ever Hear!" (here


"God Wants You To Hear This Message!" (here)

This is a man who believes what he preaches! He is passionate. He is honest, straightforward, and sincere. Having recently written on Christian speech and discourse, on ethos, pathos, and logos, I find Lawson's sermons good examples in how each of these elements are in good balance in his speaking.

Also, as I said, he seems to have good insights into what is going on. I do not call him a prophet, although I think more true believers may be given such a gift in the times of the end in order to empower them in their witnessing. This is true with the other miraculous gifts too. There are lots of false prophets. But, if God sends us some latter day prophets (as he will in the two witness prophets), let us test them, and if they be of God and their message in accordance with scripture, then let us give serious heed to their prognostications.

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