Monday, March 21, 2022

I Get So Happy

I get so happy and excited in thinking about the Lord. What a joy to serve the Lord. Hallelujah! I am happy about being God's child. Marvelous thought! Going to live forever! Hallelujah. With Christ and the saints of all the ages! Glory! Oh praise God for his wonderful love and kindness to such unworthy wretches. Words are not sufficient to express this great joy and peace that comes in believing. I am so glad that God has promised me a home eternal, a harp, robe, and crown. I long for my new name and my white stone. I long to worship and praise in that heavenly temple where I will sing with angels without a note of discord. 

This life has been tough, but oh the great joy that has come in serving God and doing his will! Experiencing God's presence is something that can only be known by experiencing it. To walk with God, oh the blessedness of such a thing! The communion of saints, the communion of the Holy Spirit, is such a wonderful experience. And, it keeps getting better. The path shines more and more to the perfect day. I am walking in sunlight ( or son light). There are even now "showers of blessings" sent by God. Oh how they flood my soul! 

If I could choose one way to be remembered it would be for men to say "he really enjoyed his religion." He really was happy in his faith. Oh yes, there have been battles with depression, as with the Psalmists, but the joy of the Lord was the strength to be lifted up. 

Even in the midst of all the present fears about so many global and national problems we can, as believers in Christ, rejoice for we know the end of the story. All present sufferings are temporary and only serve to make us more into the image of Christ.

To die and be carried by the angels to heaven and hear Christ say "well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord" will be so thrilling. 

If you are not rejoicing in Christ today, then get down on your knees and pray and draw near to him. The promise is that he will draw near to you if you draw near to him. Rejoice in the Lord. Count your blessings. Focus on Christ and not on any temporal thing.