Thursday, July 23, 2020

"Salvation is of the Lord" & Hardshellism

"Salvation is of the LORD." (Jonah 2: 9)

"Safety is of the LORD." (Prov. 21: 31)

I could cite from many Hardshell writings where the words "salvation is of the LORD" were cited and then these statements made:

1) Primitive Baptists are the only people who believe that salvation is of the Lord 100%.
2) Salvation would not be of the Lord if it were conditioned upon faith, repentance, or perseverance.
3) Salvation being "of the Lord" means that no one does anything to receive it.
4) Etc.

The thing is, this is all illogical and unscriptural.

Why not use the same reasoning with other things that are said to be "of the Lord"? Like "safety is of the Lord." Does that mean I will be safe no matter what I do? Using Hardshell reasoning, we would have to say yes. Right? What think ye?

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