Sunday, June 6, 2021

Just For Your Information

Some may think that we get very few reads on this blog (and others I have too), assuming that because we only have 15 followers that we must therefore be read by but a very small few. Well, I have a few responses to that thinking.

First, we get a lot of people who regularly read this blog and yet who are not public followers. In Blogger you can be an anonymous follower and so we may have oodles of them. Why? Because a lot of our Hardshell brothers do not want others to know that they read our writings. Why? Well, I will not give my thinking on that. You can surmise yourself. 

Second, we get a lot of people who read particular posts due to the various search engines. Anyone who does a search on "Primitive" or "Old School" or "Hardshell" with Baptist will find our blog writings. 

Third, I get a lot of visits and looks on my other blogs (though I don't write much in them now).

Fourth, not many people are interested in the Hardshells and so only a few are looking for articles on them.

Fifth, as an example of the reads for this blog, we have the past couple months had around 3500 looks for each month. Now, that is a lot considering the tenor of the blog's articles (dealing with hardshellism). 

Now, I write not for popularity. Never have. Does that mean that I am uninterested in numbers of readers and visits? No. I simply plant and water and leave it to God to give the increase. He will direct inquiring minds to our writings when it pleases him to do so. 

Further, writing my thoughts on scripture is a way to edify myself and others. It is like keeping a daily journal of one's thoughts and activities. It is also a way for me to make confession unto salvation.

Thanks to all our visitors. My prayer is that each will be better off for taking the time to read what we have written and will be led to return. And as always, comments and discussion are welcomed. I get a lot of e-mails from readers, more than public comments.

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