Thursday, July 14, 2022

Waldenses Were Not Hardshell

2/25/1935 to 12/13/2020

"The Killing Effects of Hyper Calvinism" 
By Author Bob L. Ross (here)

When I was with the Hardshells I heard them claim that their Landmarker genealogy included the Waldenses of the middle ages. That they believed in many things Hardshell Baptists believe, like other Baptists, is not denied. However, I have never seen a citation from those ancient brethren where they affirmed the basic peculiarities of Hardshellism. In fact, the following citations from brother Ross shows that they denied Hardshellism and their anti means view.

"Article ten of an old Waldensian Confession: “They believe moreover that no man can attain true faith, unless he hear the Word of God, according to that of Paul. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” 

Another Waldensian Confession says, “We are united with Christ, and made partakers of all His benefits by faith, trusting and confiding wholly to those promises of life which are given us in the Gospel.” (page 9)

Now, if our Hardshell brothers can show us where they said differently, we would like to see it.

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