Sunday, January 22, 2023

Dr. Bass On Women Teachers

This is a follow up to the previous posting and the citation from Dr. Jeremiah Bass of Cincinnati Primitive Baptist Church. The following is taken from his recent sermon "The Gathering (Acts 2: 41-47)" (here). I continue to be impressed with Elder Bass. I want to cite some things he said in that sermon and make some comments on them. Also, all highlighting (bold making) of his words are mine. First, he said:

"Let me give you some examples that are happening right now outside our Sunday morning gathering. Of course, we have the Bible doctrines studies that we are doing on the Sunday afternoons that we have a fellowship meal. This is very important because understanding systematic theology is important, and I appreciate the help that Brother David is giving on that. Also, we have the Bible ethics studies which David and I will recommence in March. On Friday mornings, a few of us men have been getting together to encourage each other as fathers. And to help us be purposeful, we’ve been reading through a book together (Parenting with Words of Grace by William Smith). Brother Adam is leading it, and I appreciate his willingness to do that. The ladies have been getting together for prayer at the T’s home. Again, so important that we pray together and fellowship together. Notice the emphasis on prayer in Acts 2:42."

I am sure that many hard line Hardshells will not be pleased with Cincinnati church for having the character and group behavior above described. The stubborn ones, the Landmarkers and those married to tradition, will not like it that this church is having bible classes and considering having women teachers. Forming smaller groups within the larger church group, like in choirs, or bible classes, is frowned upon with such hard headed ones, for it is "too much like the Missionaries or Arminians." Of course, whether or not the Hardshells are pleased with the things Cincinnati church is doing, is of little consequence, for I am sure that God is well pleased with it, and that trumps all. 

Next, he said: 
"Here I want to encourage us to do something else that I’m not sure is currently happening in our church in a systematic way, but which needs to happen if we are going to be Biblical about discipleship – and that is older women teaching younger women. This is what Paul says in Titus 2: “The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed” (3-5)."

I have emphasized these very things in these postings:

1) Can Women Vote In Church Decisions? VIII (here)
2) Hardshells & Mission Opposition IX (here)

I have also said that Hardshells are not using all the gifts of their members in that many laymen and women may be used as good teachers of the word in Sunday schools or Bible classes. I have also said that their opposition to musical instruments has not allowed for their talented musicians to use that talent in worship. Because they reject special singing by choirs, quartets, trios, solos, etc., they also do not allow members with special singing skills to use them to the fullest for the edification of the church. 

In the two above referenced articles I deal with the issue of women teachers from a doctrinal standpoint and deal with Paul's prohibition on women teachers.

Next, he said:
"Now I think that something has happened over the years in PB churches, which has come about as the result of wanting to rightly safeguard the Biblical insistence of male leadership in the churches and the fact that the apostle Paul says that women are not to teach or usurp authority over the men (1 Tim. 2:11- 12). But we have gone way too far, and we have ended up in a place where women don’t think they are supposed to teach the Bible in any context. My friends, this ought not so to be! What Paul is saying in the passage we just read in Titus, is that it is important that we have godly and spiritually mature women doing Biblical teaching in the context of the church – older women teaching the younger women. It bothers me that we are so quick to pounce on certain aspects of this text (for example, that women are to be workers at home and obedient to their own husbands), but to completely neglect other aspects of it (like the teaching part of that text)."

You think "something has happened over the years in PB churches"? Oh boy! Have they not indeed! Though they claim to be "primitive" or "original" they are not in so many things they believe and practice. They claim to be without change in doctrine and belief from what they were originally as a group, which is a false claim, the opposite being true. The "anti" spirit that is against Sunday schools, bible classes, prayer meetings, etc., is seen in everything they do and say. The anti Hardshell spirit will resist these beliefs of Dr. Bass. 

Also, as I said, I agree that the PB churches have had lots of godly and wise people who are knowledgeable in scripture, and they could have been used as teachers of the young or each other. God had a teaching job for these sisters but their Hardshell tradition kept them from using it. 

Next, he said: 
"What am I getting at? I would love to see the women of our church teaching and learning the Bible from one another, and I want to help. I know we have women who are qualified and capable. I want to help equip you and give you my support, so you feel equipped and ready and able to do this. There is no one right way for this to happen. Both formal and informal teaching is needed and valuable. The pastor cannot do everything, so I want us to work together to establish a church culture where women are teaching each other in accordance with the instructions from Titus 2, etc. The instruction is given to women, but women are not left without the support of the pastors and the church as they carry it out. I know this may sound intimidating and something outside of our comfort zone, but I'm confident that the Lord will give wisdom to carry out what we are told to do. The church will come alongside you and support you. The pastors will come alongside you and support you. The resources of the church will be made available for you to do this. This ought to be a regular part of our church. It is needed and it is important."

Amen. Every member of the church has a job the Lord wants him or her to do. Also, all should be involved to some degree in teaching others and making disciples. We can do that in the home, in the community, among our friends and acquaintances, etc. We all can find ways to communicate the truth of the word of God to others. 

Next, he said:

"If you are unsure how to go about this, please come talk to me. I am more than happy and eager to support a ladies’ study. It is an important part of the discipleship process."

Amen. Glad to see this spirit.

Next, he said:

"The church is not merely a school; it is more like a family." 

So true. That would make a good Sunday sermon too. Show how the church is both like a school and a family. It is interesting that Hardshells have also called themselves "Old School," and yet they are against seminaries, Sunday schools, bible classes, etc. One does not get "schooled" in a Hardshell church except he learn something in a sermon by a preacher. 

Next, he said:

"Nor is evangelism just for the preacher. Here is something that might surprise you, but it is true: you are the evangelists of this church. What is our program for evangelism? Just this, that you be salt and light in the places where God has put you. You are to carry the seeds of the gospel where you go, as they did in the book of Acts: “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). This is how the early church did it." 

Amen. Elder John Watson, one of their founders, saw an anti evangelistic spirit manifesting itself among the first Old School Hardshells, their preachers failing to exhort the lost for fear someone would think they were Arminian. This anti evangelistic spirit will not want a preacher too much a promoter of evangelism as it will be seen as "Arminian." Well, the evangelistic spirit is the spirit that is of God. The anti evangel spirit is not of God.

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