Friday, January 13, 2023

Miller's Excellent Analysis

SBC pastor of many years, David Miller, of SBC Voices web site (which I have been reading and following for many years), wrote the following under his posting titled "What’s Wrong with Us? Facing Our Problems." I want to cite from that excellent writing and offer a few amens and additional thoughts (emphasis mine).

Brother Miller wrote:

"This new gospel of self-fulfillment is attractive but false. By adopting this discounted faith, we leave people thinking they are “good Christians” because they go to church (or watch online), do some volunteer work, and drop a few mites in offering plate. Jesus demanded we die to self and live for him." (here)

This message is so needed today in the Christian community! 

Dave said further:

"I grew up in an evangelicalism that teetered on the brink of legalism. Our mantra was “I don’t drink, smoke, cuss, or chew, and I don’t go with girls who do.” The pendulum has certainly swung, with theologies trumpeting grace. Thank God – legalism is spiritual poison. We do not earn our way into the favor of God with rules."

Here here! Amen. 

David also wrote:

"There is always a danger, though, that when the pendulum swings, it goes too far. This one has. According to Ephesians 2:10, we were saved by grace through faith “to do good works.” When we are saved, we become obligated to a life of holiness. “Be holy, because I am holy.” Paul told the immoral Corinthians “You are not your own, you were bought with a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” 

We are set apart for God and must not live for this world. Balancing our freedom in Christ with the call to holiness is tricky, but we must do it."

Again, this is so true and "spot on." "Without holiness no one will see the Lord." (Heb. 12: 14)

Pastor Miller also wrote:

"We find charismatic doctrine unbiblical and their practices excessive. Some (many?) overreact with an oppressive cessationism that treats spiritual enthusiasm, passion, and the inner ministry of the Spirit with suspicion. There is a danger not just guarding against the errors of the charismatic movement, but quenching the Holy Spirit. We must be filled with the Spirit, develop the fruit of the Spirit, walk daily in his power, and seek his wisdom and direction."

Again, those most familiar with my writings know how I have emphasized these same points. We are so prone to extremes whereas we need to be moderate in things. (See Phil. 4: 5)

Pastor Miller also wrote:

"Evangelism is unpleasant, unpopular, and confrontational. Paul told us that the gospel is offensive to those who do not believe it. For many, the answer has been to replace the hard truths of the gospel with a softer, gentler version, removing the offense."

It may be easy to witness to our family or community members who are already a little familiar with Christianity and its message, but it is not so easy in other cultures and places. Foreign missionaries will tell you about this. How to witness for Christ in countries hostile to Christianity is hard and dangerous work and one which assuredly involves being confrontational with the leaders of the false religions. Street preachers in our country know of the hostility many who live on the streets or walk the streets have towards their preaching.

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