Monday, January 7, 2019

First PBs Preached To Dead Sinners

Elder John M. Watson, medical doctor, and first generation leader of the newly formed "Primitive Baptist" church, and author of that important book "The Old Baptist Test," wrote these words (see here for these and other citations from Watson):

"Upon this principle, the Gospel is preached to all, repentance and an interest in a Saviour's blood is offered to all. The charitable invitation "whosoever will" goes out to all inviting them to "take the water of life freely." 

That was the view of most of the first generation of "Primitive" Baptists. Did you know that my Hardshell brothers?

There is, strange to say, an error entertained by some brethren, that the minister of the Lord should not call on “all men every where to repent;” of sinners to look to Christ and be saved; nor on unbelievers to believe. They are constantly saying, to preach in this way betrays Arminianism on the part of the ministry which thus exhorts its hearers, and also on the part of the Church which tolerates such preaching! Observe, shall we become Arminians by faithfully preaching according to the commission given by the Savior? Some, indeed seem to think so! For when the minister discharges his duty zealously, faithfully and in a gospel manner, there are certain ones who cry out, he is an Arminian! The great error, that this is one of the varieties of Arminianism, is affecting both our pulpits and Churches; for instead of requiring this kind of preaching, and sustaining it as a Church, we fear some are opposed to it, and use their influence to suppress it? 

such preaching was commanded by the Lord; and that the preaching of his servants as long as we have a Scriptural history of it furnishes a practical example of this mode of preaching the gospel.

A gospel without exhortation; without a call on the sinner to repent and believe; a gospel which does not in word address itself to all; is not the gospel which Christ ordained subordinately for the bringing in of his “other sheep.” (Pages 84-86)

My Hardshell brothers, I preached and visited in some of the churches that Elder Watson pastored in middle Tennessee. The name "John M. Watson" was well known to the churches in the Cumberland Association. His book title is so important to consider! "Old Baptist Test"! Will you, my PB brothers, take the test? Maybe you are afraid that you will discover that you are really not "Old" or "Primitive" Baptist?

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