Monday, January 7, 2019

On Preaching To The Dead

The following is a citation from chapter one of my series Addresses To The Lost (chapter one of seven in the series). I show how the first "Primitive" Baptists were not opposed to preaching to the unregenerate and for calling upon them to believe and repent.

That there has been a great change in the "Primitive Baptist"denomination on this issue is clearly evident to anyone with a smattering of knowledge of their history. As I have said in previous chapters, this denomination, contrary to its boastful claims about "not changing," throughout their approximately 200 hundred year history, have changed much in doctrine and actual practice. Analysis of these changes will be enlarged upon in upcoming chapters. Some of those changes will become apparent in the present chapter as we look at how the first Old Baptists (1600's) addressed the dead in sin, how the first Hardshells also did, and how you cannot now find anyone, in the "Primitive Baptist Church," who calls upon dead sinners to come to Christ for salvation and the new birth, as did founding fathersElders Grigg Thompson and John Watson.

These chapters overthrow Hardshellism and I defy any Hardshell to come along and refute my defense of the view that sinners are to be exhorted in regard to matters of their salvation.

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